As someone who grew up with Scooby-Doo cartoons, I’ve always felt like Scrappy-Doo got a bad rap. Sure, he was over-eager and broke the original premise of the cartoon, but honestly, the ’70s were chockful of characters who were equally or even more annoying. Heck, it’s not like modern stories don’t have their own issues with characters being horrible, as anyone who has read a Geoff Johns Green Lantern story, or seen most Dax Shepherd movies can tell you, leading to today’s intolerable query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) would happily spend a week with the nephew if it meant never again seeing Crossbones, asking: What fictional character do you consider so annoying that you’d rather hang with Scrappy-Doo?
I don’t have to go far to find one: Scooby Dum. Puppy Power vs. Insulting Regional Stereotype? I’ll take column ‘A’ please.
And I’d probably rather hang with Scrappy Doo than Shaggy Rogers. Hanging with stoners grows old, quick.
I would never choose crappy-doo…
I’ll take the option where i take a nap for the alloted hangout time, rather take my chances with either Scrappy Doo, or something even worse than Scrappy Doo.