At a certain point in sitcom history, it became commonplace for each show to have a complete idiot as part of the cast. I’m not sure of the when or the why of it, but by the time we got to the shows of my youth, there was always a Balki, a Bull Shannon, or a big brother Eric to say something impeccably stupid. My brain wants to think that it goes back to Gilligan (though my heart thinks Peter Tork from The Monkees), but no matter who was the original idiot, I wonder who is the BIGGEST idiot, leading to today’s cloudcuckooland query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced, as always, “misquoted”) reminds Faithful Spoilerites that, as much as we might want to, we try not to deal in real people here in MS-QOTD corner, asking: Which FICTIONAL dum-dum is the biggest idiot in the annals of pop culture?
The Tick. He’s huge, fellow citizen.
Obelix is up there.