There’s a lot of pressure in the process of your humble MS-QOTD, Faithful Spoilerites. Sometimes, you think you’ve found a great query only to have no one understand or participate, whereas other times you come up with nonsense and find that everyone loves it. For me, though, it’s sometimes a simple process of what goes through your head while shopping for groceries on Sunday. Why is that woman wearing a shirt and calling it a dress? Why are the coffee and tea in separate areas? Where in the world are the Sponch? And most of all, is straight hair or curly hair where it’s at, leading today’s flat-iron query…
The MS-QOTD (pronounced “tawn-sore-ee-uhl”) thinks context is for suckers, asking: Straight hair or curly?
Bald. Of course, I’m probably biased as I’ve had crushes on a lot of cute girls going through chemo and I thought they were cuter without their wigs.
But of the two options, I’ll pick straight.