During press junkets for The Accountant, Ben Affleck announced the title for his Batman movie is simply titled, “The Batman.”
“The movie I think is going to be called The Batman. At least that’s what we’re going with now. I might change it,” he said during a junket for The Accountant. “We’re working on the script. The script is going well. I’m really excited about it.”
Talk about a non-announcement announcement. This one certainly takes the cake.
Ben Affleck reveals ‘The Batman’
Speaking in Los Angeles, Ben Affleck reveals that his standalone Batman movie will simply be called “The Batman.” (Oct. 3)Subscribe for more Breaking News: h…
The only thing that would totally make this announcement more exciting, is if Ben and company were planning on adapting The Batman animated series into movie form.
Since he says they might change it, I’m guessing the title will be changed.