When does a utopia become a dystopia? Stephen and Matthew take a look at Symmetry #1 by Matt Hawkins and Raffaele Ienco in this week’s Dueling Review.
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Symmetry #1
Writer: Matt Hawkins
Artist: Raffaele Ienco
Utopia is here. Hunger, sickness, work…all relics of a long forgotten past. For the greater good of the human species, all individuality, creativity, and negative emotions have been genetically bred out and medically suppressed. The population is limited to segregated areas where people lead long lives of leisure, games, and socializing. Only one man and one woman seem to notice, care, or think differently. Once they find each other, their relationship sparks a revolution…but will their love cause the salvation or destruction of mankind?
1 Comment
I looked at the book, and I think I know why it looks so stiff. I think the artist used a 3D model program and basically took screenshots of digital marionettes. Either he painted skins on top or touched up individual images in Photoshop. The comic has a very similar feel to lots of slightly older computer/video games.