I didn’t think Warner Bros. had the guts to go ahead and release the full resolution trailer for Batman v Superman after it leaked online last night, but they did it, and you get to see it online before it arrives in IMAX on Monday.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice – Official Teaser Trailer [HD]
Zack Snyder’s BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE is in theaters March 25, 2016.http://batmanvsupermanmovie.comhttp://www.facebook.com/batmanvsuperman
So… what did you think? Already a lot of people are pooping on the film, while others are still taking the wait and see approach to the flick.
This actually has me really excited. I’m glad they’re not trying to ape Marvel what so ever. A Batman/Superman movie should not be a light, quippy affair, the darker, more brooding tone fits very well. We already have a fantastic source of bright and shiny super-movies.
Besides the populus being scared of Superman fits perfectly considering he caused hundreds of civilian deaths and massive amounts of destruction in Man of Steel. Of course Batman would see him as a massive threat.
That said, I still can’t trust Goyer to write anything remotely competent. Let’s hope the other writers have managed to overrule him a fair amount. I have more faith in this movie now than I had before though, loking forward to see how it ends up.
I’m still in the middle, cautiously interested without being strongly for or against the film and am just waiting to see it before I judge.
That said, the preview did look interesting.
On one hand, I think you are being generous since they have been making craptastic comic adaptations for far longer. On the other hand, I do think the recent stuff, while nowhere near the quality the properties deserve, hasn’t been QUITE as bad as Batnipples Forever. But then I must admit I do count the Schumacher Bat films on the same level as “Highlander 2”, so it doesn’t take much to be better than that.