Everyone is headed back to school, which means no one has time for gossip and news about pop culture and comic books, right? WRONG! The week was filled with tidbits of information that will have people talking for days… maybe even a week!
- Rob Liefeld has left the building, and he’s burning bridges behind him. Oh well, at least Bloodstrike is headed to the silver screen.
- Meanwhile, Superman and Wonder Woman were seen locking lips on the variant cover to Justice League #12.
- Will The Rocketeer get a movie reboot? With a new miniseries available now, the rumor could turn to fact
- Speaking of reviews, Major Spoilers has a lot of them, and they are worth checking out each and every day of the week.
- Thor 2 has another villain, and he has an origin that looks like it will follow the comics.
- Bluewater has jumped ship at Diamond and is going with a smaller distributor to release its wares.
- Image Comics teases the death of everyone in Invincible, but we don’t believe it… or do we?
So, while you are busy pouring over your course syllabi, and fretting over homework, remember kids, there’s a ton of fun stuff happening in the world, and you can be a part of it!
Bluewater in my opinion is the Titanic.This ship ain’t going anywhere but down.People buy comic books to read fantastic stories.They are not interested in reading books on Celebs biography.It’s so obvious by the lack of interest in their books and the sells themselves basically gives you an idea that this company will eventually fold in the near future.Bluswater will sputter then die a slow death if it doesn’t change it’s tactics ASAP.
I mean Bluewater will sputter.spelling error there.