For a couple of months now, DC creators and head honchos have been telling fans that the initial 52 release wasn’t the end, but rather the tip of the iceberg. The latest new number one to be announced is The Ray by Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray, and Jamal Igle.
And like many of the new titles from DC Comics, The Ray isn’t scheduled to be an ongoing, but rather a four-issue mini-series that arrives in December. While Palmiotti and Gray have worked on The Ray character in the past, the upcoming series features an all new The Ray – Lucien Gates.
Here’s another one that I’m looking forward to… Jamal Igle is a fun artist, and Palmiotti was the one (with Joe Quesada, mind you) that revamped the Ray 20 years ago and had so much fun with it.
I’m wondering what else is hiding in the wings…
Funny you should mention wings… In January, the all new all different CondorMan… oh wait.. that’s owned by Disney. Still doesn’t mean Marvel won’t revive that classic.
Why though…Its not like the Ray Terril “Ray” had such an established character that they needed to replace him completely. This sounds more like throwing the baby out with the bath water
This is one I’ll be looking forward to. I’m glad they are re-working the costume, because the previous one was horrible. However the new look is too similar to Captain Atom, IMO.
I’m interested in this one just based on the writing team of Palmiotti and Grey. They’ve done lots of good work before.