I can’t believe I missed this announcement last week, especially since we’ve been featuring Francesco on this site so often. DC Comics announced that Francesco Francavilla will be the artist on the Commissioner Gordon co-feature that be a part of Detective Comics.
“I have been a fan of everything Batman since… ever! I’ve also been a fan as of late of the terrific storytelling of that talented fella known as Scott Snyder, so you can imagine my reaction when I got the invitation to be part of this run of DETECTIVE COMICS. I pinched myself, then asked my wife to pinch me, and only then did I realize it was real. All I can say is–can’t wait to start on this! I read Scott’s script and… you guys are in for a treat!”
If you haven’t seen Francesco’s work on the Green Hornet or his own Black Beetle series, then I think readers are going to be in for a real treat when his art appears this November.
And take the jump if you want to see more of Gordon done up in Francavilla’s style, in a very awesome teaser strip.
Hello Pulp Friends,
with great excitement I can finally reveal that I will be part of the new Detective Comics creative team, along with talented writer Scott “American Vampire” Snyder, talented artist Jock (of Losers fame and phenomenal cover artist of one of my fave book, SCALPED), talented colorist David Baron, and super editor Mike Marts and assistant editor Janelle Siegel.
I will be drawing the co-feature focusing on Commissioner Gordon and a mysterious but dangerous figure from his past. It’s gonna be a thrilling arc!Couldn’t be more excited about this.
1 Comment
Yes! But where is that Alfred ongoing I’ve been waiting for since the beginning of time.