In a recent Major Spoilers Podcast, I attempted to give a quick rundown of the crap that went down at the Walt Disney Studios in the late 80s and early 90s that almost had the animation arm of the company shuttered for good. My rundown was based on the stories I had heard from those in the know, the books I had read on the subject, and a good dose of personal experience. A much better way to find out how the company went from zero to hero can be found in the upcoming Waking Sleeping Beauty documentary.
I know this won’t be coming to my town, so I’m going to have to wait until I’m offered a chance to review the film to see it.
This looks phenomenal. I really hope this flick makes it to my neck of the woods.
Say what you want about Michael Eisner, when he answered that woman’s question about animation with “we have do it in this company”, I smiled. That IS Disney.
This looks amazing. I’ll probably have to wait till it’s on DVD or something, though, since it probably won’t reach my area, either. It’s proof that Eisner & Katzenberg weren’t always the creeps they became.