It was announced over the weekend that follow up to this past summer’s Start Trek film will hit theaters on June 29, 2012. Obviously there are not details on the film, and though J.J. Abrams will have a hand in the film, there is also no word if he will return as the director. Though, barring some major disaster, we can probably expect all the cast returning for another round of Star Trekin’ goodness.
With no story details released (or quite possibly not decided on yet), what Star Trek story do you want to see up on the big screen?
Absolutely not.
This is like suggesting a remake of The Empire Strikes Back. Both movies were great as they were and should be left untouched. And, personally, even if it weren’t a good film the first go round, I would hope that now that they’ve got a whole new universe to play in, they could be a little more creative than simply re-telling old stories.
Something new and unique. I don’t want to see the same thing done again.
well obviously the klingon war is a big factor on the federation’s doings at the time and Khan’ll be Khan in all likelihood even in this knew universe. However the fact that the star trek movies happened after the events of the series whereas at the moment in the new universe they’re at the beginning of the journey. I hope they focus on them being explorers and searching out for new life and new civilizations for at least part of the film.
Didnt like this movie and I wont be in the seats for the next one.
I would at least like an appearnce of the Gorn, plot-wise don’t care as long as they don’t do use the following: Romulans, Khan, and the Borg.