We linked to the Hit Girl trailer last week, but now you don’t have to push your way through some age verification B.S. thanks to YouTube.
Be warned though, this is the Red Band trailer, which means there is a lot of cursing, blood, violence, and the C-Word. This definitely NOT SAFE FOR WORK! You’ve been warned.
Good lord that was a lot of fighty-fighty!
Perhaps it’s just me, but seeing a cute girl killing a whole lot of people is kind of disturbing (and seeing it as a movie is way different than seeing it in a comicbook)…I’m not a too big fan of the source (perhaps too much “gore” without any meaning???), but that trailer and the movie-trailer both look like fun…but still…little girl+killing=disturbing
PS: I don’t think Cage is the right choice for Daddy
I agree with your comment about the disturbing nature of Hit Girl, and while I think Cage works, wouldn’t it have been even better to have Tom Selleck as Big Daddy?
Updated – let’s see how long this one lasts…
Could have been worse… George Clooney as Big Daddy. Cage looks like he fits the part of a doting father on his adorable daughter who just happens to be an assassin.
Besides, kids of younger age than her have been murdering in movies for a long time. Pet Semitary 1…Chucky… The Good Son even.. which has a evil 12-yr old MacCaulay Culkin. If you can’t stomach children being in this way, then perhaps you should avoid this movie.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AO8JGDiRmtA <– Should post this one too Stephen. Though I think some family groups may assault the interwebs over it.
La la la, lalala…Uh sorry I was humming.
Man that role was written for Nicholas Cage..That guy is so hit and miss. But he pulls of really weird roles to perfection. And yes while I do see the whole disturbing aspects of little miss Punishine(See its like lil miss sunshine/the punisher…AND it has “pun” in it) I have to say I really enjoy the horriblarious and hillarioble (I’m on a roll) exchanges between Dad and Daughter as seen in the trailers and clips so far.
Its just to clever, funny and tongue in cheek to be upset about…at least from my point of view. And those action sequences do in fact look kick-ass.
My problem is that the book is about “real heroes”. this clip is more ridiculous acrobatics. it should be gory, but more up close, sloppy, painful- as you would actually perceive wolverine to fight in the “Real world”
this takes the kick ass premise and just makes it another matrix-y, spider-man-y cg fest.
So speaks Mogo! Keeper of the rings
Ah, Nic Cage… I think I saw his career on the back of a Milk Carton yesterday…
Eh, This movie still looks like fun. I can’t wait.
After the sanitisation of Wanted its about time someone brought the over -the-top uber violence of British (and Scottish) comic book writers to the silver screen. The whole swearing and violence doesn’t disturb me, but then I was brought up on the antics of a certain fascist law man of the future.
I screened the first Kick Ass trailer to my wife last night and her eyes rolled at the prospect of another comic book movie until the guy crashed into the taxi. Then I showed her the hit girl trailer – the reaction to the C-bomb a) in a trailer and b) spoken by a 12 year old was eye-popping.
Don’t know if it convinced her to see the movie with me, but I’ll be there on release day.
This trailer is really going to cause a stink but hey…if you don’t like it, don’t watch it.
and this is the same 12 year old girl that voices Darby in Winnie the Pooh. I just wonder how they got her parents to allow her to play a role where she uses such language.
I’m gonna say “they did it with money…. LOADS of it. Probably enough that Hit Girl’s college education is paid for…. THREE TIMES.”
Love love love the soundtrack (updated Banana Splits theme)