We were hoping to have a couple of articles from Julian on the status of the Julian Challenge at this year’s San Diego Comic Con. Apparently, the WiFi at the convention center is spotty at best, causing The Major Spoilers #1 Fan to resort to Twitter for his updates.
Here’s what we know so far…
- Julian is up to 33 signatures on the Major Spoilers poster including
- Dave Garcia
- Sean Galloway
- Ryan Benjamin
- Edwin Beaver
- The Apple Geeks Guys
- Lenil Yu
- Robert Langridge
- Bryan Lee O’malley
- Adam West
Julian did relay that he would have an update before the weekend is out, so look for that on the site soon. Will he make it? Signs point to YES!
Just a reminder, if Julian wins the Challenge, he gets to turn that poster in for a most awesome Hellboy Animated Statue. That’s how we roll with our biggest fans. Want to be our biggest fan? It’s pretty easy to do…
Apparently he met Mark at the bar…
Every time I think that photo is dead, it always shows back up. You know what stephen, keep the statue. I’ll give you the poster if you promise that this photo will never again see the light of the internet.
I may have to take you up on that one.
Whaddaya mean that picture is great! Two dudes hanging out, talking, chillaxing…taking horse tranqs…
PS: I demand to see the Adam West picture..and he better be doing the twofinger dance move!
you look good when your stoned Julian.
hey Stephen, can we see the statue, i just want to see what i’d get if i spent thousands of dollars to go to SDCC.
@ Lifeisaglitch
the battusi? If he is Julian should get more than one credit for that sig. :)
All in favor?