We all know that Wonder Woman was made of clay by her mother Hippolyta, and grew up with the rest of the Amazons. DC figures it is time to change that by giving Diana a father.
When it comes to Greek mythology, it shouldn’t come as a big surprise that Zeus is being named as the father – which makes sense; Zeus got around… a lot.
According to DC Comics, Wonder Woman won’t find out about her father until Wonder Woman #3 that arrives next month from the company. Of course, if you are at this weekend’s New York Comic Con, chances are you are going to get much more information from Jim Lee, Dan DiDio and others.
“There are going to be some family issues,” writer Brian Azzarello said, referring to the Olympians as “the original crime family.”
According to Lee, this is all part of updating the characters to feel true to their origins by “thoroughly modern.”
For now, we’ll leave it at that and see what the Intardwebz has to say.
This sounds like an intriguing update to the character; I’m reserving final judgment until I see how it’s handled, though with the existing creative team I am optimistic.
Her father was Hades in the animated Justice League.
So in current continuity she may be the half sister of wonder girl (unless they changed that part of cassie’s backstory)
Doesn’t seem like much of a change, honestly. Her origin is still heavily tied in with Greek mythology, and she still gets her powers from Olympian deities. It’s not like they made her an alien who was raised by Amazons or tied her into some other mythology.
Here it comes: Oooohhhhh Noezzzzzz….. THIS IS WORSEEEE THAN TEH PANTZZZ… Wahhhhhhhhhhhh!
So after slogging through that abyssmal mess of failure, Odyssey…after the ill-conceived and desperate reboot…after a mediorce first issue……now we get this shit.
It doesn’t pay to be a Wonder Woman fan.
Well no matter what they are gonna have the Japanese fanboys blowin a gasket after they see that octopus thing attacking WW in a comic. It’s like the melding of fetishes.
First Impression? THIS SUCKS
She goes from being a gift from the goddesses (to the amazons), a manifestation of divine power created from the earth itself to being just another child of Zeus.
Imo WW is better off not being a direct descendant, it made her position as one who would sometimes stand against the gods more of a natural fit. Now she just feels like a child rebelling against the family.
Her origin as the goddesses answer to Hyppolita’s prayers for a child, one made from clay and made flesh, was more touching and heartfelt.
But now with Zeus as her daddy a sense of Wonder has been lost…..(imo)
As long as her comic doesn’t turn into “Look, her tough, independant nature is because she has all these daddy issues!” I’m fine with this.