Browsing: Review

If you are looking for the Major Spoilers reviews of comic books from the comic book industry, you’ve found it! The best and the worst comics are reviewed each week.

Matt Kindt can pitch curve balls like few others can, and I also admire his ability to make characters “real” to me. And he does all this while weaving tremendous sci-fi stories, too! For the last couple of years, he’s been doing more and more for Valiant, a company I really like, so I’ve been enjoying his work on Unity, Ninjak and Rai. The story of Rai is now continuing in 4001 A.D., and the debut issue has just hit the stands. To use the technical term, it’s a doozy!

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That Black Widow’s checkered past is being used to blackmail her into doing the bidding of a mysterious figure in the shadows.  Can she break his hold over her before the worst occurs?  Your Major Spoilers review of Black Widow #3 awaits!

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“Captain America: Civil War” brings several new players into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but one of them hasn’t had four movie origins since 2002…  Allow us to introduce you to The Black Panther!  Your Major Spoilers (Retro) Review of Fantastic Four #52 awaits!

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Alien parasites have flooded a small town, and bad things are about to happen…  Your Major Spoilers review of Bloodlines #2 awaits!

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Barry Allen was the fastest man alive, then one day, he wasn’t. Major Spoilers brings you another installment of Flashback, a look back at the television series, The Flash, though the lens of the comic book source material.

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