As the Circus of Crime prepares to destroy the hotel, can Kate Bishop find Lucky, rescue her sister, and save the guests? Find out in Hawkeye: Kate Bishop #4 from Marvel Comics!

Writer: Marieke Nijkamp
Artist: Enid Balám and Oren Junior
Colorist: Brittany Peer
Letterer: VC’s Joe Caramagna
Editor: Caitlin O’Connell
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: February 9, 2022
Previously in Hawkeye: Kate Bishop: On her way home to New York, Kate picks up a case at a swanky resort. What began as a jewel heist investigation turns into the search for a missing girl as well as a reunion with her estranged sister Susan. One thing leads to another, and she finds herself surrounded by mind controlled guests, and that the hotel is being run by the Circus of Crime!
Hawkeye: Kate Bishop #4 opens with Kate tied up and Pascale, the Ringleader, doing a full-fledged villain monologue. Stealing from the wealthy is an even easier proposition when she can hypnotize people to help do the dirty work. This is her plan for Susan, whom Pascale claims is full of anger. She sends her away with basically a torch.
Pascale takes a moment to tempt Kate, offering to hypnotize her and free her from her life of constraints and obligations. She gets close enough that Kate gives her a head butt. Kate insists that all she needs in life right now is her dog (because Lucky is here too) and her sister. And maybe a drink with an umbrella in it. Her little vacation jaunt has become anything but.
Pascale has her assistant complete her work on the computer system. They plan to get away, leaving the hotel in chaos (and flames) behind them. Kate has a little struggle but is eventually able to get out of her bonds. She has her bow; she needs to find Lucky and get to the Bishop Mansion as soon as possible.
Up in the hotel lobby, the hypnotized guests are busy breaking furniture, pouring gasoline on things, and setting fires. As Kate tries to locate her sister, a couple of the guests spot her and try to stop her. She does not want to kill them, but they have no such qualms. She ends up smacking their heads together. Drawing her bow on the woman is enough for the man to change his focus to saving her. She urges them to get out to safety, spots her sister, and pins her to the wall via a few arrows to her dress. Susan is antagonistic until another guy tackles Kate from the side.
With Susan back to normal, the two women make a quick sweep of the hotel to get the guests outside and find Lucky. They’re up on a balcony when the hotel is set to explode, so Kate grabs Susan and they all jump into the pool below.
The art of Kate Bishop: Hawkeye #4 is lovely. Pascale and her Circus of Crime cohort are well-dressed villains. Their costumes are just the right amount of style and over-the-top. I also like the contrast of the emotional Pascale and the hypnotized Susan, whose face is calm and expressionless. Pascale is full of drama, not just in voice, but also in body language. Her presence feels larger than life. Her great plan also has the great circus related touch of having the countdown timers show a clown face on the monitors.
The action is beautifully drawn as well. There are some great lines in archery poses and the acrobatic style of fighting Kate uses that have a good sense of flow. That sense of movement is echoed in the later scene of simply going through the hotel and rescuing people. And I was so happy when they found Lucky who has such a cheerful goofy face. Plus, we get to see him when he dives into the pool, and dogs have wonderful faces when the dive.
Hawkeye: Kate Bishop #4 is lively and fun. A nice little mystery has escalated rapidly to the point where Kate needs to ply all her skills to keep things under control.
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Hawkeye: Kate Bishop #4
Sometimes a vacation is not a vacation.