Who is The Phantom Ranger? It’s a question some fans have been asking since 1997! Your Major Spoilers review of Power Rangers Universe #1 from BOOM! Studios awaits!

Writer: Nicole Andelfinger
Artist: Simone Ragazzoni
Colorist: Mattia Iacono
Letterer: Ed Dukeshire
Editor: Dafna Pleban
Publisher: BOOM! Studios
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: December 29, 2021
Previously in Power Rangers Universe: For more than two-and-a-half decades, the mysteries of the Phantom Ranger have remained unexamined. What is the TRUE origin of the Phantom Ranger?
And, more importantly, what is his connection to the Morphin’ Grid?
Power Rangers Universe #1 opens centuries ago, as a pair of scientists prepare to finally ascend past their dimension into a liminal space that they’ve been studying. Though the one called Chendil protests, his unseen and unnamed partner has already donned his armor and stepped through the porta into… The Morphing Grid! But when a shadowy creature appears out of the multihued energies, he slams the portal closed behind him.
Nearly 600 years later, we find another scientist, Orisonth, poring through their notes to find anything she can about The Morphinaut, unable to figure out the secret of their ascension. Blue haired Ori and her friends (representing the colors Red, Black, Blue, and Yellow, he said significantly) are surprised when a series of attacks start, and absolutely flummoxed when the Morphinaut appears in their midst…
Judging from this issue, we’re about to see not only the origins of Phantom Ranger (whose armor is identical to the Morphinaut, with black in place of Morphinaut’s white) but the Rangers themselves. The members of Ori’s peer group wear uniforms that evoke Power Ranger costumes, and their hair/accessory colors make it clear, as well. The art in this issue is slightly softer-focus than the Ranger books set in the current reality, which makes for an interesting visual contrast. The color palette is also a little more pastel than Power Rangers and Mighty Morphin’, which feels like a slight misstep to me. After all, the Ranger colors of red, blue, yellow, etc. aren’t quite as easy to differentiate in a sea of pink and aqua, but it’s not unattractive, it just feels a little odd. The last page, revealing the true threat is a really killer visual, though, and makes me want to see more of this book.
There’ still a lot up in the air, but Power Rangers Universe #1 serves as a strong first salvo for the series, with some striking art and a story that clearly has places to go, earning 3.5 out of 5 stars overall. The overarching history of the Power Rangers has been a patchwork for so long that the unification of the BOOM! continuity is truly appreciated, and I honestly hope that if Ori’s cohort does what I expect, that they reference some of the unadapted Super Sentai teams that predated Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers in Japan.
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The back story of the only Ranger whose identity was never revealed (thanks to budget woes) looks to be something much bigger and more complex, with well-done art pulling it all together.