The people of the Moon are in civil war when an insane doctor introduces the Y chromosome in a world with only women. Find out who wins in The Lunar Ladies #1 by Scout Comics!
Writer: Omar Morales
Artist: Joel Cotejar
Colorist: Paula Goulart
Letterer: Jaymes Reed
Editor: Andrea L. Molinari
Publisher: Scout Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: July 21st, 2021
Previously in The Lunar Ladies: Check out the new miniseries that features an advanced society of woman that live under the surface of the moon. However, political ideologies lead to an aspiring doctor trying to usurp the Queen!
The Lunar Ladies #1 begins with Queen Velouria and Doctor Venus in a high speed chase. The Queen is able to out maneuver Venus and force Venus to retreat. The Queen realizes that her child, Clare, is in danger and prepares to evacuate her family, which includes her lover, Star. She also gifts Clare the moonstone necklace, a talisman of power. Meanwhile, Venus meets with her partner Doctor Hermano to finish their experiment. They create males and form an army. However, Venus hits Hermano and causes Hermano to change the emotional behavior of the men.
On Earth, the trio find the world in the prehistoric age and Claire quickly makes friends with the cavemen locals. Queen Velouria leaves Clare in the protection of Star and heads back to the moon to deal with Venus. But when she lands, she finds herself surrounded and captured by an army of men!
I admit that The Lunar Ladies #1 did not quite catch my attention. The story was well written, and I enjoyed looking at the art. But I wasn’t sold until Venus slapped Doctor Hermano as some form of abuse and control of the situation. But then after that, I lost interest again. There is a good story here, but it didn’t hook me in at all. On paper, it does everything right. It has the proper exposition, and it follows an intelligent narrative structure, but it lacked a sense of spark for me.
There is a theme of heritage here and a passing on of responsibility. Queen Velouria hands Clare the moonstone. While there was not much exposition on this necklace, it is bound to force Clare into a lot of responsibility. But Clare lacks the maturity to be able to truly understand the situation. I’m most interested to see how Omar Morales will approach this topic. Will Clare take over her mother’s role on the moon or will it lead to something else?
The Lunar Ladies #1 presents a solid story with solid art. But this title wasn’t quite for me. I will encourage people to still pick it up and check it out! It is well written, hits all the appropriate story beats, and has a good cast of characters. 3.5 out of 5 for The Lunar Ladies #1 by Scout Comics!
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The Lunar Ladies #1 presents a new miniseries about a society under the surface of the moon. It is well written and has a solid narrative structure.