In a world where capes and cowls aren’t yet everywhere, two men become the heroes that Brooklyn deserves. Your Major Spoilers review of Wild Bull and Chipper #1 from Scout Comics awaits!
Writer: Richard Rivera
Artist: Dwayne Biddix
Colorist: Liezl Buenaventura
Letterer: Jaymes Reed
Editor: Wayne Hall
Publisher: Scout Comics
Cover Price: $1.99
Release Date: March 17, 2021
Previously in Wild Bull and Chipper: Chipper has the ability to give others super powers, but he’s not the best judge of character and he’s made some mistakes, accidentally creating the first super villains! Who better to help him than the most heroic person he ever knew in school? The only problem is, Chipper hasn’t aged, but Bull is 30 years older!
We open with a fourth-wall-breaking narrative from Chipper/Billy, who starts to explain the story to us, only to be interrupted by Wild Bull, who wants to deliver the narrative in his own style. They explain how they were local superheroes who accidentally stopped a robbery and were gifted with a jar of “Super Salsa” by a grateful store owner. After gorging on the 30-year-old delicacy, the developed the power to transform into human/animal hybrids, one a bull, the other a beaver with a bulletproof tail. Things get complicated when Bull recognizes Chipper as a boy he went to school with decades before, and the truth comes out: Chipper has given him the powers temporarily and a few of his superhuman allies are now going to decide whether or not he gets to keep them. There’s an alien invasion, as well, apparently, and a cliffhanger ending where Wild Bull entreats the reader not to miss the next issue.
There really is a lot to like about this comic. I love any book that feels like someone is finally getting to bring their high school home-brew superheroes to a larger audience, so this issue appeals to me. The character designs are strong, amalgamating a traditional superhero approach with more Chuck-Jones-cartoony elements in facial features and certain elements of anatomy, a difficult hybrid that works quite well. The decision to have Bull narrate the issue (or, more honestly, shout at readers most of the time, which is fun character work) starts off interesting, but there are problems with transitions that affected my appreciation of the story, and the transition from flashback to what seems to be a modern adventure with other heroes (like the amusing Major Granny) still doesn’t quite translate for me after multiple readings. I am also a little leery of the bright colors, which enhance the cartoon aspects of the story but like a bit too much for out-of-costume portions of the story.
Even with the story issues, though, Wild Bull and Chipper #1 is a fun comic book, making up some of the shortcomings in sheer bravado and entertainment value and making want to read the next issue, earning a better-than-average 3 out of 5 stars overall. The humor and creativity of the character designs and concepts is also commendable, introducing a lot of players and a lot of story in just a few pages and mostly doing so successfully. This book is worth checking out.
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They're taking an awfully big swing here, but the humor works a lot of the time and the enthusiasm of the creators (and the characters) is infectious.