Denny Little has a plan. Can he fix his problems with the mob and keep his girlfriend alive? Find out in “I Can Sell You a Body” #4 from IDW Publishing!

Writer: Ryan Ferrier
Artist: George Kambadais
Letterer: Ryan Ferrier
Editor: Bobby Curnow
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: July 1, 2020
Previously in “I Can Sell You a Body”: Denny’s impulsive girlfriend Henrietta knows he needs cash, and robs a bank. He is stunned, and she is instantly consumed by insecurity. Then the spirits of the dead start talking to Denny as well – until a kiss from Henrietta quiets them all down. Father Vincenzo, a Vatican exorcist, arrives in L.A. and heads to the police, insisting that there’s a demon in town and they need his help. The police make a connection between Henrietta and Denny. They find their hotel room – now empty, and Father Vincenzo shows up there too, explaining that a demon had been there.
As “I Can Sell You a Body” #4 opens, Denny has a plan. All of this trouble started when the son of a deceased gangster (Gallo) wanted Denny to bring his father’s spirit back. Denny and Henrietta now get set to meet that son in one of his warehouses, the one he only uses for beating people up. There is a sense of dark humor in this book that can be clever, but I find it a little hit or miss. This issue also falls back on a lot of swearing. There’s a page of Henrietta’s doubt; then Denny pushes her into the warehouse as the body on offer.
Denny sets up for the séance. Gallo’s son gets impatient. And there’s a little bit of back and forth between them. Meanwhile, Father Vincenzo carries on with his adoration of America in broken English until the police detectives swing by to pick him up. They know where Denny went thanks to his path of destruction on the way to the warehouse last issue.
In the warehouse, Denny starts his peerformance. The spirits of the dead talk to him, at any rate, and Henrietta pretends that she’s feeling a spirit. The junior Gallo’s bodyguard gets freaked out and leaves, but the young gangster doesn’t buy any of this. Then Henrietta really does feel something, as a spirit (not Gallo) enters Denny’s body. Right about now the police and Father Vincenzo arrive, and there is a rather confusing fight with one of the police arresting Henrietta, one having a shootout with young Gallo, who also shoots Denny, and Father Vincenzo doing his thing, not to mention that Gallo Senior arrives enough to comment on things. Vincenzo does his exorcism, reaching Denny in part because it also happens that he’s a big fan of the psychic. Of course he is.
Denny is institutionalized. Henrietta goes to prison – but her story makes it to TV so she also becomes famous. Father Vincenzo returns to Italy happy. The police realize there are parts to this story they can’t tell. But when it comes right down to it, love will find a way.
I do like the art of “I Can Sell You a Body” #4, especially the strong shadows, which come out in this issue because it’s dark in the warehouse. It fits with the minimalistic scenery and especially with the whole theme of spirits and demons. There are some cool scenes with silhouettes, whole or partial, and I like the splashes of color that help differentiate characters and bring a pop of contrast to color palettes that are more muted.
The characters are each a bit nutty in their own ways and we so see some nice expression on them. This is a four-issue series that packs a lot into the last issue. It can be hard to keep all the plot lines in order, so having character distinction is really important. This is especially true with the character of Denny who has moments of being himself, moments of talking with spirits in his head, and moments of possession.
“I Can Sell You a Body” #4 kind of grew on me. I love the premise. The set-up, crime, and denouement are frankly wacky, but darn it if things don’t actually work out at the end, and not entirely as I might have expected. I respect a book that can still surprise me.
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I Can Sell You A Body