After an encounter with A.I.M., Captain Marvel is the size of an ant. Luckily, she is with the Unstoppable Wasp to help her out! Will Captain Marvel be able to return back to her normal size? Find out in Marvel Action: Captain Marvel #5 by IDW Publishing!
Writer: Sam Maggs
Artist: Sweeney Boo
Colorist: Brittany Peer
Letterer: Christa Miesner
Editor: John Barber
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: May 27th, 2020
Previously on Marvel Action Captain Marvel: While teaching Nadia Van Dyne how to drive, Carol Danvers was attacked by A.I.M.. During the encounter, both Carol and Nadia shrunk to a small size. Worst yet, if Carol uses the powers of Captain Marvel at this size it could potentially level the city. Now both heroes must work together to help return to normal while also trying to figure out what A.I.M. is up too!
Carol hates not being able to use her powers. She is stuck being carried around by Nadia and having to trust her to keep her safe. Nadia’s solution is to take Carol to her super-intelligent friends, the G.I.R.L. squad. Throughout the experiments, Carol realizes that she accidentally acquired an A.I.M. key card that may contain encrypted information. After further shrinking into Nadia’s secret lab they realize A.I.M.’s plan; to shrink the Avengers and step on them. Now Nadia and Captain Marvel have to enact a plan to stop A.I.M. from destroying the Avengers!
This book is intended for a younger audience and it is a lighter story from what I am used to. Even though this book is something more for my daughter, it doesn’t mean it isn’t a quality book. I love the quirkiness between both of the protagonists in the story. The creative team took the time to really develop some of these characters and ideas. It really shows a care for the work that they are doing.
I really like the trope of the mentor and the student trading places. It was entertaining to see Captain Marvel’s inner monologue as she begins to trust Nadia even if just a few hours ago she was teaching her how to drive. What a relatable topic for a younger reader. I only have some music teaching experience and often seeing a student approach music in a new and different way is extremely interesting and I learn a new thing at the end of the day. I was a terrible student, but I know that many people have had Nadia’s perspective of their teachers within their education.
I liked this story and I was highly impressed with the quality of work in this comic. Usually books designed for this age group kind of bore me but I was entertained throughout multiple read-throughs. I would recommend this series to a younger generation and could be a good entry way into comics for someone just coming in.
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I love the quirkiness between both of the protagonists in the story. The creative team took the time to really develop some of these characters and ideas. It really shows a care for the work that they are doing.