The main discussion going on in the comics industry right now continues to do with what is coming next following Diamond’s declaration of bankruptcy.
As I’ve mentioned in previous columns, Diamond’s bankruptcy has left many of the smaller publishers scrambling to survive. For American Mythology’s response to this, you can go to this link. It’s very similar to what I hear other comics producers are saying right now.
Meanwhile, other companies are getting on board with Lunar, who already had DC and Image with them, among others. For instance, you can read about TwoMorrows Publishing signing with Lunar as well as Mad Cave Studios partnering with them. I suspect they won’t be the last to make this kind of announcement. And Penguin House is waiting in the wings. Where did UCS go, by the way?
I’ve been listening to several online conversations about this very topic, and it seems that many in the industry are growing less and less optimistic about Diamond’s future as time goes on. It’s truly weird to realize that what seemed absolutely impossible just a few years ago—not having Diamond as a distributor—is becoming more and more likely. So strange to many of us who have followed the comics industry for quite some time.
Granted, there was a time not that long ago when Diamond was only one of several distributors here in the U.S. If memory serves, I believe Capitol was one of them, and they had carved up the country depending on where their offices were located. Slowly, over time, Diamond absorbed each one of its competitors until it was the only one left standing.
The shock waves from the pandemic are STILL being felt here in the States and around the world.
Given my misgivings with Diamond over the years, including the late and battered deliveries among other problems, some of my friends think that I’m dancing in the streets with what’s going on with them.
No, that’s not true.
In fact, I’m very worried that Lunar will become the “new Diamond,” replacing one monopoly with another.
That’s absolutely NOT what I want to see happen.
As much as I appreciate Lunar’s rising up and becoming a “better” alternative to Diamond, I think their providing competition made Lunar what many comics shops hoped Diamond would eventually return to being. However, human nature being what it is, it might be all too easy for Lunar to gather up the pieces that fall from Diamond’s basket so they can soon make the same mistakes their predecessor did.
And we definitely don’t need that in the comics industry!
Need I remind everyone that, even without Diamond’s problems, the industry is facing some serious evolutionary changes! Will local comics shops remain open, or is there something else coming on the horizon? Is crowdfunding becoming the industry standard? And there are many changes others see looming ahead of us that the industry needs to prepare for, many of which I as a fan am not aware of.
Let’s not repeat the same mistakes we have fostered in the past!
I recall back when Lunar first rose up that there were several other companies strongly considering jumping into the distributor gig. I think Lunar discouraged all those people because they seemed to do such a good job that these others were afraid Lunar was diminishing their chances for success.
Some of us remember that DCBS (Discount Comic Book Service) was part of the landscape back in the day, and there was a lot of discussion whether they and Lunar would be part of the same organization or not. The latter proved to be the case.
However, if the door opens for DCBS to get back in the game, will they? Would they take on their former associates if Diamond closes its doors for good? And I still think those people who were interested in taking on Diamond in years past might gather their friends and colleagues together again to get back to it.
Right now, it’s quiet. But if Diamond leaves the playing field, will that encourage those organizations to rise up and take on Lunar?
Frankly, as I said previously, I consider competition to be a good thing! I don’t want Lunar to become the latest incarnation of Diamond, so I hope we see a healthy environment that works out best for us, the customers! And I am certain another monopoly is not that!
If you are like me and are thinking the comics industry is at a serious turning point, I have to again ask that those of us who believe in “the books” stay true to the comics. We need to stick with it, supporting the product we love and having these kinds of discussions about how we all should move forward.
I remember the recent wonderings I had about digital comics knocking out the print versions or having subscription services replacing having local comics shops we would go to on a regular basis.
These are all good things for those of us who support and want to see comics survive and grow into the future. We need to be talking about all this and putting our money “where our mouths are” so fans can have comic books to buy and enjoy in the years ahead.
Frankly, I think ALL of these avenues could work out. If we have some fans who only buy digital copies, that’s fine with me as long as it supports the industry. Or subscription services can work well for those who can’t make it to their LCS regularly. Again, it keeps making comics more profitable and helps the industry survive and hopefully flourish. Still, we don’t need another monopoly, be it digital versions or subscription boxes, if that limits or decreases what makes comics an enjoyable pastime.
So, I’m happy for Lunar’s successes, but wary of what this all could mean in the years ahead! All I want is more great comics to read each week, and however we get there works for me!
What do you think? Are we in danger of Lunar making the same mistakes Diamond has? Are there other possibilities the industry should be considering? Will we have comic books surviving years, even decades from now? Whatever your opinion, feel free to share it in the space below!
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