Green Lantern Jo Mullein has hit a wall in her investigation and the only way to move forward is to go back. Back to her beginnings. Your Major Spoiler review of Far Sector #5 from DC Comics, awaits!
Writer: N.K. Jemisin
Artist: Jamal Campbell
Colorist: Jamal Campbell
Letterer: Deron Bennett
Editor: Andy Khouri
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 25th, 2020
Previously in Far Sector: Green Lantern Sojourner “Jo” Mullein has managed to broker a ceasefire between the protesters who want the ability to feel emotion and those who want the Emotional Exploit intact. But, the question of who’s selling the drug Switchoff remains.
The Origins of Sojourner Mullein
Far Sector #5 starts up with Jo knee deep in reports and articles. She’s trying to get to the bottom of where Switchoff is coming from and how it’s being distributed. She hits a deadend due to every lead she has ends up going through fake companies and fake names. Even the currency used can’t be tracked because it’s cryptocurrency. Her AI companion, CanHaz, informs her that many of her people, the @At, spend time literally mining the cryptocurrency. This reminds Jo of her life. In flashbacks we see that Jo was a child of divorce, joined the military, went to Princeton, became a police officer, then was fired after reporting her partner for beating up a suspect. While drinking in a bar she’s approached by a Guardian disguised as a human who offers her a job. Back in the present Jo goes to meet the widow of the first murder victim who informs her that she has spies in the council. Afterwards she’s contacted by one of the councilmen. He informs her that the murderer, who was also murdered, had racked up a lot of debt, then disappeared for two weeks before appearing to commit murder.
A Lot of World Building, Not Much Else
In terms of enriching the world and fleshing out the main character, Far Sector #5 is great. After that though, there isn’t much going on in this issue. Also, the quality of the worldbuilding is a bit uneven here. While learning more about the @At and the Keh-Topli is nice and well done, Jo’s origin story isn’t very compelling. Essentially Jo is a Ivy-League, war vet, police officer with an unshakeable sense of right and wrong and was punished for it. It’s the sort of all merit, no flaw origin story that just isn’t very interesting. What remains to be the most interesting thing about Jo’s time before coming to The City Enduring is how she was chosen to be a Green Lantern which still has an air of mystery.
Bottom Line: A Bit of A Filler Issue
Far Sector has been on a decent pace since it started so it was only a matter of time before it slowed down and Far Sector #5 is where that happens. While a few clues have popped up in the central investigation that’s been pushing the story along, most of this issue was spent explaining things about The City Enduring and Jo. This information hopefully will be more intricate to the plot as the series goes on, but it makes for a boring issue here. 3 out of 5 stars.
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Far Sector #5
Far Sector #5 reads more like an info dump about the main character and the setting rather than a continuation of the ongoing plot in an otherwise good series.