Trapped in a strange dimension, Number Horowitz has very little time to save the universe… Your Major Spoilers review of Impossible Incorporated #5 awaits!
Writer: J.M. DeMatteis
Artist: Mike Cavallaro
Colorist: Mike Cavallaro & Gabrielle Gomez
Letterer: Mike Cavallaro
Editor: David Hedgecock
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: April 3, 2019
Previously in Impossible Incorporated: Lost in an ocean of Infinite Nothingness, Number Horowitz has to wonder: Has the universe disappeared-or have I? It’s a question she has to answer quickly, because the lives of every living creature in Creation depend on it!
Floating outside of reality, Number is confronted by a giant glowing eye that claims to be “The Single Point of Consciousness”, an argument that she can’t quite wrap her mind around. The idea that any sort of “God” exists as a being you can talk to confounds her, but Number still manages to get one important bit of information: Love is real. Love is how to save reality. Taking a gift from the floating eye, a strange amulet, Number returns to reality to confront Voyd, the creature who is slowly erasing reality one block at a time. She offers it to the creature and things get very… existential for a couple of pages, ending with Voyd in tears, leaving Earth behind, with only her armor to prove she had even been there. (It’s not entirely clear to me if the annihilation effects are reversed or not, though.) Having saved the world, Number collapses, awakening back at her home in the Impossibuilding. She bonds with her family members, when suddenly they’re interrupted by a message… from her lost father!
This whole issue feels like a classic Fantastic Four story in all the right ways, with the addition of DeMatteis’ patented raw emotional writing. This issue provides a really sweet story that manages to wrap things up in a cosmic fashion while staying on a very personal level, with characters analogous to Galactus and other FF-style figures and a cliffhanger ending that promises more stories in the future. I have to say, I really love the art in this issue, with Cavallaro using a disarmingly simple, maybe even primitive style that conveys a great deal without a lot of over-rendering or leaning too hard on photorealism. it makes for a fascinating reading experience and still conveys a ton of emotion in every facial expression. The entire sequence where Number is convening with maybe-God is beautifully drawn with amazing dialogue throughout, ending with remarkable coloring throughout.
I wasn’t sure what to expect from this book, but Impossible Incorporated #5 manages to feel new and old-school all at once, with the emotional resonance that I expect from a DeMatteis story and some fascinating art, earning 3 out of 5 stars overall. I hope that the adventure hook near the end of the issue means that there’s more coming, as this book is a really interesting and attractive read.
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A comic that reminds me of classic Fantastic Four with some unusual and charming art, making me hope that the cliffhanger ending means there's more coming...