DC has about 4 different Justice League books out at the moment. So it’s a perfect time to release a new Justice League of America Rebirth #1! Your Major Spoilers review awaits!
Writer: Steve Orlando
Artist: Ivan Reis
Inker: Joe Prado, Oclair Albert
Colorist: Marcelo Maiolo
Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Editor: Brian Cunningham
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $2.99
Previously in Justice League of America: The Justice League and the Suicide Squad had a tussle, ending in their combined effort to take down Eclipso. Amanda Waller puts her plans in motion to start a Task Force XI. Batman puts his plans in order to start a new Justice League of America.
What is different about this Justice League of America from the others? As Batman puts it in the issue, it’s a “different team. Mortals. Not gods.” The idea being that the members of this team are more “human” than the regular Justice League, so that normal people may look up to them and know that they too can be heroes. While I like that idea, there is also Lobo (an alien) and the Ray (highly powered superkid) that seem to contradict that idea. Why is Batman so mad at the original members? I don’t know but I hear it happened in last week’s Justice League book. Honestly, the title should be Batman and the Outsiders. That would make more sense and clear up a lot of confusion.
This is certainly a unique team, with characters that we don’t see much of these days (minus Batman) which is what peaked my interest. The issue couldn’t be a more by the numbers setup, which is a bit unfortunate. Batman (or one of the previous recruited members) approaches each hero and convinces them to join. It’s formulaic but there is nothing horribly wrong with the issue either. The Ray and Ryan Choi (the new Atom) have a cool moment where Ryan gets the Ray to join. There are odd parts, such as Batman initially not wanting to let Ryan join because he’s young and doesn’t want to put him in danger. Extremely weird considering that this is someone who has raised and trained four Robins. I’m not sure if Steve Orlando understands Vixen’s powers, or if they’ve changed post Rebirth, but she smells Batman with rat senses while she is in the middle of a conversation. I was under the impression that she had to channel the animal she wanted to use rather than having them all the time.
Unfortunately, there isn’t more to say about the book. It services setting up the premise and introducing all the main players but nothing that interesting happens. The preview page of what’s to come is the most intriguing part and is what makes me want to read the first arc at least.
Ivan Reis’ art is the standout of the issue. If you’re at all familiar with his work you’ll know what you’re getting. It’s a great and detailed style and I really like the two page fight between Black Canary and Killer Frost. Even with two inkers, there is no place where you can discern the difference between the two. The colors are nice and bright, but there are a few too many moments of characters talking in front of a color gradient or texture. When there are backgrounds, they’re just as well drawn as the foreground, which is good to see. All around great job by the whole art team.
Justice League of America Rebirth #1 is standard “round-up the team members” fair. There’s nothing new or unique in the story that a seasoned comic reader won’t have already seen dozens of times already. Readers who absolutely must see things from the beginning will want to pick this up, but nothing of consequence happens. Ivan Reis is the standout, with his artwork picking up the slack. The last preview page interests me the most and makes me want to see where this goes, but if things don’t pick up quick I’ll be dropping this soon.
[taq_review]Dear Spoilerite,
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