Trapped in a strange mansion full of secrets, Boston Brand has discovered the terrible truth: He’s not the only resident ghost… Your Major Spoilers review of Deadman: Dark Mansion Of Forbidden Love #2 awaits!
Writer: Sarah Vaughn
Artist: Lan Medina
Colorist: Alex Sinclair
Letterer: Wes Abbott
Editor: Jim Chadwick
Publisher: DC Comics
Cover Price: $5.99
Previously in Deadman: Dark Mansion Of Forbidden Love: “After Deadman and Adelia’s sudden disappearance, Berenice begins to unlock the mysteries of Glencourt Manor. With evil lurking around every corner, Berenice longs to confide in her boyfriend Nathan about what she has discovered, but she fears what he may think of her… Instead, Berenice finds a sympathetic ear in Sam, who shows Berenice what it means to be a true friend.”
As this issue opens, Boston Brand (Deadman, one of the greatest characters in DC’s arsenal) is trying to come to terms with Adelia, a ghost who has been trapped in Glencourt Manor for years. Their connection is immediate and uncanny, making Deadman wonder who and what she is and whether romance can blossom after death. At the same time, Berenice, the new renter, seeks out any information that she can about Adelia’s demise and the sudden disappearance of both ghosts last issue. Added to the mix is her boyfriend, Nathan, an author who has come to the forbidden mansion to finish his opus; her slightly-more-than-just-a-friend Sam, who has an undeniable connection to her; visions that may or may not be the future and a truly terrifying cliffhanger. The secrets of Adelia’s past come rushing back when Nathan announces that his book is finished, and impulsively pops the question…
This is one truly BEAUTIFUL book, featuring grey-tones and muted coloring that make the moments within even more unnerving and/or romantic. And it is romantic, in all the right ways, featuring lovely moments between Berenice and Sam, between Boston and Adelia, and even a flashback that almost makes you like Adelia’s fiance.
Y’know, before he murders her. Every character is crisply defined, with dialogue that sounds authentic, and even the frightening moments feel real because of it. Those scary moments are sprinkled throughout the issue, and the sheer size of it (If I were a betting man, I’d say that this was created as a six-issue miniseries, then repackaged as 3 double-sized issues) makes it all feel consequential, delivering a satisfying chunk of story.
This issue reminds me of nothing more than classic Vertigo, and bear in mind that I’m old and freaky, so that’s a compliment. Deadman: Dark Mansion Of Forbidden Love #2 is a remarkable achievement, returning classic Deadman after his New 52 revamp a few years ago, delivering on the difficult promise of gothic romance in the DCU, with beautiful art, earning 4.5 out of 5 stars overall. If you’ve been uncertain whether or not this one would be able to deliver on such an unusual premise, be assured: It totally does, on nearly every level.
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