Initially serialized in Dark Horse Presents and later collected in a one-shot, Gamma returns for a brand-new prequel series that takes inspiration from kaiju cinema and imported Japanese children’s classics to tell a raucous tale of how a young monster trainer named Dusty Ketzchemal failed upward to go from plucky teen hero to old loser.
Browsing: Ulises Farinas
The sequel to the critically acclaimed Mega-City Zero storyline continues this week in Judge Dredd: The Blessed Earth #2.
Take the jump for a sneak peek of Judge Dredd Annual #1 from IDW Publishing.
Here is an early look at Motro #4 from Oni Press. It arrives in stores this week.
Oni Press sent Major Spoilers this sneak peek of Motro #2 by Ulises Farinas and…
The finale of Mega-City Zero arrives in Judge Dredd #12. Take the jump for a…
Godzilla continues to rage… across time in this second to last issue of the mini-series.
The final act of Mega-City Zero has begun in Judge Dredd #11.
The final act of Mega-City Zero has begun!
The final act of Mega-City: Zero begins in Judge Dredd #9.
Dredd boldly goes where no Judge has gone before.
Dredd boldly goes where no Judge has gone before in Judge Dredd #7.
Hero competitions are a sham. At least that is what Rigby is learning in Regular…
Check out this early look at Amazing Forest #6 from IDW Publishing.