The latest installment of Carlos Perez Valderrama and Miguel Valderrama’s kaiju story is set to debut in September from Dark Horse Comics with Giants Volume 2: Ghosts of Winter.
Browsing: Miguel Valderrama
Nadia has had to deal with a lot of trauma in her job. However nothing competes with the trauma of helping a client who killed her former team. Find out more in Cyberpunk 2077: Trauma Team #4 by Dark Horse Comics!
Nadia is in her worst nightmare. She has to save the man who killed her previous team! See if she make it out alive in Cyberpunk 2077 Trauma Team #3 by Dark Horse Comics!
Nadia’s first mission back on a Trauma Team is rough going for sure. But the first person they are in charge of saving is the man who killed her previous team! Find out if they can make it out alive in Cyberpunk 2077 Trauma Team #2 by Dark Horse Comics!
Welcome to the dark future world of Cyberpunk 2077. A world filled with gang wars, corporations, and never knowing which one is more morally corrupt! Come check out Cyberpunk 2077: Trauma Team #1 by Dark Horse Comics!
Dark Horse Comics has announced it will release Giants from Carlos and Miguel Valderrama. This…