Marvel’s Young Avengers consists of adolescent superheroes who have links to the older group of world-renowned Avengers. Since several of these young heroes (Patriot, Hawkeye, Wiccan and Speed) have been appearing in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we have dug deep into the comic history of the youngest Avengers team!
Browsing: Mcu
Are you ready for the Moon Knight series? Want to go a little deeper? Ashley V. Robinson has a recommendation to get you up to speed ahead of the Disney+ release.
Wolverine has been one of Marvel’s most popular heroes since his debut way back in 1974, and now he’s the star of the latest Comics Event – X Lives & X Deaths of Wolverine.
Did You Hear? is a weekly examination of headlines in the entertainment industry and a take on what they could mean for the future of the industry and (often), the little geeky bubble that we occupy!
Because everyone loves a trilogy, it’s time for “So You Want To Read Comics”, our weekly feature where we take a look at a single topic and then give you two comic book recommendations, perfect for new readers (most of the time), based on that topic. This week we’re finishing our look at the upcoming MCU shows for Disney+.
Get ready to embiggen, with “So You Want To Read Comics” our weekly feature where we take a look at a single topic, then give you two comic book recommendations, perfect for new readers, based on that topic. This week we’re continuing our look at the announced and upcoming Marvel Disney+ shows.
Look to the horizon, it’s time for “So You Want To Read Comics”, our weekly feature where we take a look at a single topic, then give you two comic book recommendations, perfect for new readers, based on that topic. This week, we’re getting you ready for the upcoming MCU Disney+ Shows.
Shang-Chi, also known as the Master of Kung Fu and Brother Hand, is about to…
Did You Hear? is a weekly examination of headlines in the entertainment industry and a take on what they could mean for the future of the industry and (often), the little geeky bubble that we occupy!
Did You Hear? is a weekly examination of headlines in the entertainment industry and a take on what they could mean for the future of the industry and (often), the little geeky bubble that we occupy!
Did You Hear? is a weekly examination of headlines in the entertainment industry and a take on what they could mean for the future of the industry and (often), the little geeky bubble that we occupy!
Back in 2013 my band Ookla the Mok released vs. Evil, an album of songs about super-villains. Little did we know that we had written the key to unlocking the season one finale of Loki.
Did You Hear? is a weekly examination of headlines in the entertainment industry and a take on what they could mean for the future of the industry and (often), the little geeky bubble that we occupy!
The second spy to use the moniker BLACK WIDOW, Yelena Belova has just made her Marvel Cinematic Universe debut. Let’s dive deep into her classified files and discover the secret history of YELENA in Marvel Comics!