This week marks the graphic novel publication of H1’s flagship title, IGNITED: TRIGGERED by co-writers Mark Waid and Kwanza Osajyefo, artist Phil Briones and colorist Andrew Crossley, a trade paperback collection of the series’ first four issues, featuring a cover by Humanoids’ Chief Creative Officer John Cassaday.
Browsing: Mark Waid
Archie Comics has released an early look at Archie 1955 #2 ahead of the October 30th release.
School’s out and Archie has been inspired to take a path on his road of life. Maybe you’ve heard of it, it’s this new thing called rock’n’roll? I wonder if it will catch on? You can find out in Archie 1955 #1! It hits store shelves September 18th from Archie Comics!
Archie Comics has released this early look at September’s Archie 1955 #1 from Mark Waid, Brian Augustyn, Tom Grummett, Bob Smith, Glenn Whitmore and Jack Morelli.
Can Doctor Strange save the universe AND his lady love? Your Major Spoilers review of Doctor Strange #17 awaits!
Still recovering from a tragedy that unfortunately will sound far too familiar, the superpowered students of Phoenix Academy are given a sudden reminder of their trauma, but maybe they aren’t as alone as they think in Ignited #3 from Humanoids.
AHOY Comics—the startup publisher that pledged for readers to “expect more” from its comic book magazines—is inviting readers to vote on what comic should receive its own series.
The Archie 1941 series was really powerful, and if you haven’t already, so worth the read. Now the publisher is following up that series with Archie 1955 from Mark Waid, Brian Augustyn, an Tom Grummett, as they look at Rock and Roll through the eyes of the Riverdale gang.
In July Mark Waid and Javier Rodriguez will attempt to take the complex Marvel Universe and tie everything together.
Marvel has announced Invisible Woman #1 as Mark Waid and Mattia De Iulis put Sue Storm in the spotlight.
It’s monster versus living nightmare, as The Hulk takes on Hypnos in the realm of dreams. Your Major Spoilers review of Avengers: No Road Home #5 awaits!
If you thought heroes teaming was a pretty cool thing, you’re gonna wanna check out what happens when Galactus and Dormammu team in Doctor Strange #15 from Mark Waid, Barry Kitson, and Scott Koblish.
Voyager returns, but it may spell disaster for The Avengers! Your Major Spoilers review of Avengers: No Road Home #1 awaits!
AHOY Comics—the startup publisher that pledged for readers to “expect more” from its debut lineup of comic book magazines in 2018— will publish its second wave of titles this spring.