AHOY Comics—the startup publisher that pledged for readers to “expect more” from its comic book magazines—is inviting readers to vote on what comic should receive its own series. On Wednesday, June 26 AHOY Comics will publish STEEL CAGE #1, a one shot comic book anthology featuring three dazzling short “pilot” stories from all star creative teams. Fans can vote on which story continues at the AHOY Comics website: 6/26 and the outcome of the vote will determine what comic book series is published.
The competing stories in the STEEL CAGE One Shot are:
“Noah Zark” by writer Mark Waid and artist Lanna Souvanny, in which an alien boy is kidnapped into an interplanetary zoo—and becomes the protector of the animals;
“True Identity” by writer Tom Peyer and artist Alan Robinson, in which we learn what secret anguish drives the most beloved superhero on Earth;
Writer Stuart Moore and artist Peter Gross’s “Bright Boy” in which we discover the grim tale of the world’s smartest human—and the havoc he leaves in his wake.
Competition between the comic book veterans is fierce.
“I mean, let’s get real,” said Stuart Moore, the writer and co-creator of CAPTAIN GINGER and BRONZE AGE BOOGIE. “When you come home from a hard day at the Soylent Green plant and rip open your comics bundle, what do you want to read about? A kid in a zoo? A SUPERHERO? No—you want to read about the smartest guy in the world! Bright Boy for the win!”
Tom Peyer, AHOY Comics’ Editor-in-Chief and the writer of its acclaimed comics THE WRONG EARTH, HASHTAG DANGER and HIGH HEAVEN, said, ““When I read Bright Boy or Noah Zark—and I’ve been reading both stories obsessively—my head is tilted as if to say, ‘what an adorable, childlike attempt to prevent the inevitable victory of Alan’s and my True Identity.’ And then I shed a tear, because there’s something deeply sad about their efforts.”
Mark Waid, the New York Times bestselling writer of beloved comics including KINGDOM COME and IRREDEEMABLE, is contributing his first story for AHOY Comics in STEEL CAGE. Waid said, “As I look down from high above the Mount Olympus of legendary comic book writers, it amuses me to see the flailing True Identity and Bright Boy teams wander aimlessly in search of some sort, any sort. of ladder with which to ascend by standing on the backs of their adorable ‘creations.’ Perhaps there will come a day when they find themselves privileged enough to sit before Lanna and I and bask in our boundless glory. Until then, we shall simply nibble on our ambrosia and laugh.”
AHOY Comics is led by Publisher Hart Seely, an award-winning reporter whose humor and satire has appeared in The New York Times and on National Public Radio. “STEEL CAGE just might be the greatest moment of fan participation since fans called a 1-900 number and voted for a teenage sidekick to die,” Seely said.
In addition to STEEL CAGE, AHOY Comics eclectic lineup of comic book magazines and graphic novels range from religious satire (the highly anticipated SECOND COMING comic book and the HIGH HEAVEN graphic novel) to tales of time travel (BRONZE AGE BOOGIE and PLANET OF THE NERDS) and the literary parody EDGAR ALLAN POE’S SNIFTER OF TERROR.
Voting is live now and will end the Friday before San Diego Comic Con International. The winner will be officially announced during San Diego Comic Con International. For more updates on AHOY Comics, visit them on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.