We are just hours away from the full Marvel solicitations for March 2022, but until then, we can take a quick look at what is to come… even if it is a possible war between the Eternals and the Avengers.
Browsing: Eternals
Take the jump for a sneak peek of Eternals #8 from Marvel Comics. The issue arrives in stores this week.
You’ve seen the movie, now read the comic! Eternals #7 arrives on Wednesday and we have a sneak peek from Marvel Comics.
The Eternals, a race of immortal beings with superhuman powers, are joining the Marvel Cinematic…
Now that the truth of their existence is revealed, Ajak and Makkari must pick up the pieces and try to find a road forward… no matter how terrifying it will be in the pages of Marvel Comics’ Eternals: Celestia #1.
Marvel Comics sent Major Spoilers this sneak peek of Eternals: Thanos Rising #1 by Kieron Gillen, and Dustin Weaver.
Did You Hear? is a weekly examination of headlines in the entertainment industry and a take on what they could mean for the future of the industry and (often), the little geeky bubble that we occupy!
Take the jump for a sneak peek of Eternals #6 from Marvel Comics.
In Eternals: Celestia, a new one-shot from Marvel Comics, writer Kieron Gillen, and artist Esad Ribic focus their attention on Ajak and Makkari whose quest for answers leads them into a fierce battle against a certain group of Avengers.
When one Eternals series ends, another Eternals series begins at Marvel Comics, as the comic book publisher has announced the October launch of Eternals Forever.
Eternals #5 arrives on Wednesday, and we have a sneak peek of the issue from Marvel Comics, after the jump.
Did You Hear? is a weekly examination of headlines in the entertainment industry and a…
The hunt for the Eternals traitor continues in the pages of Eternals #4 from Marvel Comics. Take the jump for a sneak peek of the issue.
Journey to the heart of Deviant City in this week’s Eternals #3 from Marvel Comics.