Browsing: Dan Mora

What if you were given the power to change the course of history? That is the premise behind Dark Blood #1 from LaToya Morgan and Walt Barna. The issue arrives on Wednesday from BOOM! Studios.

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Are you ready to discover Zordon’s long-hidden secrets!? Even if there are dangerous consequences for the Power Rangers? Well… okay… take the jump for this sneak peek of Mighty Morphin’ #10 from BOOM! Studios… if you dare…

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Batman and Mr. Worth are locked in a deadly duel involving a rocket launcher, a micro-cave subterranean system, and a whole lot of bloody knuckles in this sneak peek of Detective Comics #1038 from DC Comics.

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Duncan and Bridgette struggle to stay one step ahead of Elaine, or is it Arthur, or Merlin? Or does the plot run even deeper than that? Find out in Once and Future #18 from BOOM! Studios.

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