Browsing: Wildstorm

Or – “The Return That No One Expected…” For all the guff that I give fans of 90’s comics, the entire decade wasn’t deadwood.  Indeed, near the end of the decade/century, there was a renaissance in comics that led to such wonders as Planetary, Rising Stars, and the entire America’s Best Comics imprint.  Of these books, Top 10 was my quirky favorite, Promethea was probably the most successful artistically, Greyshirt was a noir flashback tale, but none of them had the pure comics vibe that Tom Strong had.  Taking the most successful elements of Lee and Kirby’s Marvel, the tales…

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Or – “April Showers Bring May Flowers, But Mayflowers Only Bring Religious Dissidents…” Man, it has been a LOOOONG month of May.  The comics industry seems intent on moving to $3.99 price points, The Eleventh Doctor got hit on, and Scarlett Johanssen looks great in skintight stretch fabrics.  In any case, since another month has come and gone, and it’s a three-day weekend for many in the United States we’ve got time to look at a couple dozen things that have come out in recent weeks, Rapid-Fire Style! 

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Kratos continues his quest for the healing Ambrosia of Asclepius when he is confronted by the champion of Poseidon. As Kratos is delayed in battle, Ares’ champion moves ever closer to the prize sought. Can Kratos over come his attackers before time runs out?

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Even amidst the chaos, the Major Spoilers Crew is gathering together in Stately Spoiler Manor to bring you a new episode of The Major Spoilers Podcast.  Amongst the rubble, the trio have managed to uncover The Authority. FROM THE WIKI In 1999, Warren Ellis and Bryan Hitch introduced readers to the Authority, a team of superheroes who promised to get the job done by whatever means necessary. They were: Jenny Sparks, the Spirit of the 20th Century; Jack Hawksmoor, the king of cities; Swift, a Tibetan woman with wings and sharp talons; Apollo, a bio-engineered gay Superman pastiche; The Midnighter,…

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God of War is based on the hit Sony Playstation video game series by the same name and tells the tale of Kratos, Sparta’s mightiest warrior and his adventures before he became a servant of the gods. This God of War comic is a prequel to the franchise and, just like the games, is rated for mature readers. For those of you, who are yet to play God of War 3, fear not. This comic spoils none of the game.

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Or – “Named For The Roman God Martius, God Of War…”   Not to be confused with famed Martian general Marvin, whose computers are so complex and naughty… Traditionally, this month has signaled the beginning of the season of military campaigns, and also the time when college basketball generals lead their troops unto the field of battle. For me, working in small-market TV for as long as I did, it’s a month which signals mighty pains in the butt, which explains why this is technically the FEBRUARY edition of RFR. We apologize for the inconvenience… Better to just press on.

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Or – “Something, Something, Something Daaaaarrrrk Siiiiide…” Doesn’t that image look like the Emperor from Star Wars is using the Force to spy on the half-dressed secretary who lives next door?   No?  Just me?  Bygones…

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Wildstorm has announced it will be canceling the World of Warcraft and Starcraft monthly comic books, and replacing them with original graphic novels. “While WildStorm and Blizzard loved the stories being told in the regular monthly comic-book series, we decided that the graphic novel would be a more suitable medium for the tales we wanted to tell next,” said Hank Kanalz, VP & General Manager of Wildstorm. “The larger format will give our artists and storytellers more room to explore Blizzard’s rich, varied worlds and flesh out the characters that inhabit these places.” The Warcraft series ended yesterday with the…

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Or – “I Decided To Trick Or Treat With My Kid Instead… Sorry.” The MUSIC MEEEISSSSTERRRR! Sing the song that the world wants to heeeear! Man, I’ve had that stuck in my head for WEEKS, now. This particular RFR was meant to go up last week, just in time for the annual festival of half-price chocolate, but various things conspired to keep me from completing it until today. For those of you who can’t get enough comic review goodness, I’ve got the cowbell to slake your fever, and it’s time to ask ourselves, baby, what’s the word? In the words…

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Or – “A Long Wait Always Sets High Expectations…” Earlier this year, in anticipation of this issue, I reread my issues of Planetary, and was surprised to remember that it debuted a full ten years ago last April.  It started out very much as an artifact of its time, with similar themes to other stories: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and Big Numbers, both likewise created in the 90’s, as well as echoes of the X-Files and even threads of Farmer’s Wold Newton family.  Each issue was something unique and odd, and the book managed to create quite a following of fans,…

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Or – “It’s Always Hard To Watch Your Little Girl Grow Up…” The early issues of Astro City hold a very special place in my heart, containing as they do the first glimpses into the world of Astro City, the introductions of dozens of new characters, and an entirely new take on superheroes and comics history.  Among these early stories came the tale of Astra, youngest member of the First Family, and how she broke away from her protective parents and had her first solo adventure.  Now, Astra is ready to graduate college, and it’s astonishing how touching it is…

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Or – “Hey, Vent! You Ready To Move Out?” When you read monthly comic books the way that I do, often times you get to the point where you feel like you know what’s coming, when every title feels like you’ve read it before. On the other hand, you have the odd experience where you read a title or issues that you KNOW you’ve read before, but you cannot for the life of you remember how it’s supposed to end. With over a hundred monthly titles coming out, sometimes you need to play catchup, you need to go where everybody…

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