Will Convergence ever end? Do you want it to end? Are you more excited about Battleworld? This week is the final week (for now) that we ask you to weigh in on the best books coming out of DC Comics Convergence. VOTE! [poll id=”385″]
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Three weeks down, only five FIVE more weeks to go in DC Comics’s Convergence month. Round three of books were released last week, and those who are not reading all of the books really want to know what they should read, and what they should skip. Help a fellow Spoilerite out by casting your vote today! VOTE! [poll id=”384″]
It’s another week, and another round of comics from DC’s Convergence event. Last week, the focus was on the pre-Zero Hour universe, and we reviewed them all, but what we really want to know is what book was your favorite (or most favorite of those that came out). [poll id=”383″]
This week is an interesting one for sports; Major League Baseball just started, college basketball wrapped, high schools are deep into their track and field events, and soccer has started for my two young kids. We all have a sport that we gravitate toward, and some we see as more popular than another. It is the idea of perceived popularity that intrigues me, and perhaps you have an idea or two to share. While we can’t list every sport, we can present a listing of some of the readily accessible sports, and ask you, our most favorite people in the world, which…
This week we kick off big events for the Big Two: Convergence #0 arrives on April 01 and runs for the next two months, and May sees Marvel’s big Secret Wars event. Both seem very similar to one another, but I’m going to guess there’s more under the hood than what we have lead to believe. Knowing many readers have allegiances to one company over another, we wonder if that means you are more interested in one even over the other. VOTE! [poll id=”380″]
It’s now official, The X-Files is getting a six episode revival at Fox with David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson set to reprise their roles of Fox Mulder and Dany Scully. “X-Files” is a natural, as the show about FBI sleuths investigating instances of paranormal activity is tailor-made for social media obsession — even if it hails from an earlier TV era. “X-Files” had a nine-season run on Fox from 1993-2002. It spawned two feature films, 1998’s “The X-Files: Fight the Future” and 2008’s “The X-Files: I Want to Believe.” – via Variety How did all of this come to pass?…
After the age of 30 I came to the conclusion that I don’t like walking around the house with orange stained fingers from those powdered cheese snacks (Doritos, cheesy poofs, etc.), and I can’t stand to eat those snacks while I play games or surf the Internet. I do, however have a love for these snacks (in moderation of course), and while living on the West Coast I started using chopsticks to eat these snacks. While some may think it slows down the eating, and others think it is completely weird, others have been using this technique years before I…
You may have heard that Sony Pictures has set up a Ghostbusters production banner called Ghost Corps to capitalize on the fervor/excitement regarding an all female Ghostbusters movie. The idea is to have another movie in production featuring an all-male cast, with Channing Tatum set to produce and possibly star. While many of us are troubled by the boy vs. girl nature of franchise, and even more troubled that the Interwebz seems to be taking sides on who is going to “win”, the idea that the original Ghostbusters (Egon, Peter, Ray, and Winston) have franchised their company to others is…
We’ve been reading comics from all over, and from all time, and the thing that really stands out for me, is that comics from “back in the day” were heavy on the words and not so much on the big panels and splash pages of action. While there was action, it doesn’t seem to compare to the issues today filled with giant action sequences with dialogue turned way down. There is probably an argument to be made over which format is better, if only there was a place for thoughtful and wonderful spoilerites from around the world to share their…
The topic of ownership vs. renting has come up again and again in our private discussions at the Major Spoilers HQ. Is it better to rent the large appliance or own it outright? Lease the car or buy it when the value drops once you drive off the lot? Digital rental subscription service or owning the physical copy of a comic book? The list goes on and on, and in some cases arguments can be made that one is better than the other, which brings us to the Major Spoilers Poll of the Week that spun off from an email…
Last night I had the chance to play Legendary Villains from Upper Deck. In the game, players take on the roles of villains and work to defeat the heroes in an all out brawl deck building game. It’s been an interesting couple of weeks for game play as I’ve played the super hero, the super villain, and even played with LEGO Marvel and DC Superheroes sets, which got me wondering, where do you classify yourself on the spectrum of hero to villain? VOTE! [poll id=”374″]
We love it – actually I love it – when Major Spoilerites from around the world write in with ideas and suggestions for the Major Spoilers Poll of the Week. This week, Spoilerite Wade wrote in with a question regarding characters from ’70s television series we all love and adore. FIGHT! [poll id=”373″]
This week JR wrote to us asking about the price of digital codes and ponders the idea of marketing digital comic redemption codes on a much wider scale. VOTE! [poll id=”372″]
I’m sure we would all love to visit the Baxter Building, or spend your vacation time on the JLA satellite, but what about owning some of the most popular properties? Silvergray sent us that question to ponder this week. VOTE! [poll id=”371″]