Browsing: Marvel

If you are the San Diego Comic Con, you’ll want to get your tickets for the Marvel Avengers signing event taking place on Thursday and Saturday. THURSDAY, JULY 21st               10:30 AM – 11:30 AM CHRIS EVANS – CAPTAIN AMERICA SATURDAY, JULY 23rd 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM CLARK GREGG – AGENT COULSON 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM JOSS WHEDON – WRITER/DIRECTOR Head over to the Marvel booth (#2329) for more information and get tickets for each of the events. via Marvel

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Expect this to come out in a high resolution format right after its debut at the San Diego Comic Con, but for now, check out the leaked version of the trailer, before it gets taken down in about ten minutes. UPDATE: We were able to find a better version of the trailer for you to check out. It still may not last long, but at least you’ll get another chance to see it. For those lucky enough to see it, what did you think?

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Press Release Marvel Entertainment and Disney Publishing Worldwide are proud to announce John Carter: World of Mars, an all-new comic prequel to the upcoming Walt Disney Pictures feature  film, John Carter, which will hit theatres on March 9, 2012.  This October, John Carter: World of Mars #1 reveals the shocking events that transpire before the motion-picture story begins by showing fans just how John Carter, Princess Dejah Thoris and Tars Tarkas are set on the path that would bring them all together. Amidst this brutal thousand-year war, find out what decisions were made that let events escalate this far—and why.…

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Press Release This week, Marvel returns to Comic Con International in San Diego! Marvel (Booth #2329), along with the hottest creators in the industry, brings fans all that they’ve been craving and more! Over the course of the four day mega-event, Marvel is bringing the fan service with tons of events, signings, and awe-inspiring on-stage events that will make Marvel’s presence at Comic Con International an experience to remember!

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You better watch this now, because in about 10 minutes it will be gone… until Friday when you line up to watch Captain America, and this appears at the end of the credits.

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It is time for the Robot Overlord to wrench control of this site back from the slackers and the yokels and make them actually do my bidding once again!  For the last 24 hours I’ve locked Stephen and Matthew in a room and told them they could only emerge when their review of Captain America #1 was complete!

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The last teaser of the week from Marvel for its Fear Itself panel at San Diego Comic Con. What does the lack of special characters mean for the Hulk? So far, the previous four images reveal the phrases: SHUT THE ENGINES DOWN THE UNIVERSE WILL BREAK EVERYONE YOU LOVE DIES FIGHT TO SAVE EVERYTHING The other images had the word Defender buried in the text, this one has Offender instead. via Marvel

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Entertainment Weekly has released a crap ton of images from the upcoming Amazing Spider-Man movie, and though Stephen didn’t want to run them, I figured one little image one hurt anybody (C&D not withstanding). I gotta say I love how Peter Parker pulled one over on the basketball team by stealing all their balls and sewing them into this wicked looking suit.   Hope he has a air hole so he can breath, or this is going to be a really short movie. via All Over The Intardwebz originally from Entertainment Weekly

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Or – “Don’t Let The Cover Fool You…” During Secret Invasion, I complained voraciously that the titles related to the big storyline (basically all four of the then-extant Avengers books) were put on hold for the duration of the big crossover madness, running stories that deepened Secret Invasion, but weren’t truly stand-alone issues in their own right.  New crossover time is upon us…  Are we in the same boat?

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Here’s the latest mystery message promoting the Fear Itself panel at the San Diego Comic Con. Spoilerites have been busy decoding the messages, let’s see what this one brings. UPDATE: Here are the messages so far SHUT THE ENGINES … THE UNIVERSE WILL … EVERYONE YOU LOVE … FIGHT TO SAVE … via Marvel

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Press Release The Palm Restaurant in San Diego is about to get Marvel-ous with the appearance of Marvel Architect Humberto Ramos (Amazing Spider-Man)! Celebrating this year’s Comic-Con International, Ramos will add to the restaurant’s famous comic book mural (already featuring art by John Romita SR, John Romita JR, Simone Bianchi, Mike Choi, Mark Brooks, Leinil Yu, Reilly Brown and more) at 2:00PM PST on Wednesday, July 20. Stop by for food, drinks and a chance to see Humberto work his magic as Marvel commemorates their fifth year of making history with the Palm! The Palm Restaurant is located on 615…

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