Browsing: Marvel

Marvel teases yet another Uncanny series in the Marvel NOW! relaunch/rebrand/renumbering/reboot.  We already have Uncanny Avengers, and Uncanny X-Force, so what could be next?  A title simply called Uncanny X-Men seems too on the nose. via Marvel

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This title promotes a simple concept: one Avenger and one X-Men member team-up on an adventure. Some team-ups will draw on their similar backgrounds, like Captain America and Cable being time-lost soldiers. Other team-ups will share a history together, like Wolverine and the Hulk. However, can these two different sides get along after Avengers versus X-Men?

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With the mess that is the Marvel Universe after AvX there is bound to be a lot of clean up to do. Consequences is what will take us from Cyclops’s fall to the state of the X-Men in Marvel NOW! Take the jump for the Major Spoilers look at how it’s coming together.

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I thought we were done with all the The Future of Marvel NOW! teasers.  Guess I was wrong.  Here’s something coming in February 2013 from Cullen Bunn and Will Sliney.  Previews comes out soon, as does the next round of Marvel Solicitations. via Marvel

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Since the final scene in The Amazing Spider-Man, fans around the world have been wondering and speculating who would be the big bad in the next Amazing Spider-Man movie.  According to a story that floated to the surface at Variety, Jamie Foxx is in talks to play a villain.

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Marvel has released a sneak peek of FF #1 that is part of the Marvel NOW! kick off series of books. Take the jump for a look at the issue from Matt Fraction and Michael Allred.

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Marvel’s MAX series often pushes the boundaries of the comic book industry with explicit and mature content. Aimed toward adults, the imprint allows superheroes to embrace their darker side, but also brings the opportunity to create original content for Marvel. The Wolverine MAX series is a great idea for a character that is not against killing his enemies. Historically a dark anti-hero already, it will be interesting to see what Wolverine will do now that he is not limited by comic ratings.

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Earlier this week we were all treated to the first official Iron Man 3 poster and trailer and those events inspired Matt Ferguson to do up his own poster. Take the jump to see the, possibly better, alternate poster.

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