Browsing: Major Spoilers


Last week I talked about the hubbub resulting from Ben Affleck being chosen to play Batman/Bruce Wayne.  Since then, Marvel Studios announced that actor James Spader had been selected to play Ultron in the second Avengers film. The outrage was, shall we say, silent by comparison. I’ve been wondering what fans would have thought if, before Warner Bros. could sign Affleck to be Batman, he had been signed by Marvel to play Ultron instead. Ultfleck instead of Batfleck!  Would the screaming have been as loud? In a word, the answer is clearly: No. Why is this?

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Munchkin is a dedicated deck card game by Steve Jackson Games, written by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic, that has a humorous take on role-playing games. This week on Munchkin Minute, a new booster pack for a game that hasn’t even been released yet! Munchkin Pathfinder: Gobsmacked!

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One of the more memorable lines (in a good way, not like the ‘Toad struck by lightning’ bon mot) from the original X-Men movie was Cyclops’ quip about Wolverine wanting to wear yellow spandex.  Many a fan has questioned why a stealthy samurai hunter/assassin would ever choose to wear gold, but equally questionable is the reason why Havok would ever choose his hoopy headdress, or why Captain America had tiny wings on his cowl for so many years.  Fashion is something of a crapshoot anyway, and superhero fashion doubly so, judging from the sheer number of hack comedians who have…

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As I mentioned in yesterday’s MS-QOTD (you know how it’s pronounced), this week has had a little more downtime, which has allowed me a little more time for leisurely consumption of pop culture.  Since I’m a sucker for a good romance (or, to be honest, even a terrible one), love stories have been my bread and butter, including the quintessential 90s tale of one Lloyd Dobler and his love for a beautiful and brilliant girl with whom he had nothing in common.  The moment where he stands outside her home, blasting “their song” from his not-yet-old-school boombox is often cited…

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The latest installment of Bonus Tracks is now available to Silver and Gold Members at the Major Spoilers VIP Site ( In Bonus Tracks, Major Spoilers staff members sit down to provide their own unique commentary tracks to movies you know and love. This month, Bonus Tracks features Rodrigo, Zach, Stephen, and Adriana as we offer up our own commentary track for Raiders of the Lost Ark. If you aren’t a Major Spoilers VIP, sign up today, to get the latest installment, original art, and behind the scenes and bonus videos. Major Spoilers VIP

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During a bout this week with what I am now certain was a minor viral infection combined with a pretty serious dehydration issue, I did what I always do when illness hits: Stay home sick and partake of comfort food.  Of course, “food” is often metaphorical (especially when you don’t feel like eating) so I re-watched television that I know and love, including part of season one of ‘How I Met Your Mother.’  Anyone familiar with my recurring argument with Rodrigo vis a vis Ted Mosby’s most adorable ex (or anyone that follows me on Twitter) knows how I feel…

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Much as I hate to say it, I kinda have to blame Wally West.  Before his late 90s (you should excuse the expression) run in both Titans and JLA, membership in super-teams was an exclusive affair.  If you wanted to join one, you had to quit the other, and generally the membership was held to a manageable level (with the exception of the Legion of Super-Heroes, whose entire M.O. is ‘Giant Super-Team’ and is thus exempt.)  These days, nearly every hero in the Marvel Universe is an Avenger, even those who have for decades made a point of operating entirely…

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Shows We Had to Watch When We Got Home from School Top Five is a show where the hosts categorize, rank, compare, and stratify everything… from cars to gadgets to people and movies. From stuff that is hot, and things that are not nearly as interesting – it’s Top Five. Drop the bags, kick off the shoes, turn on the TV and hope your favorite show is over before mom and dad get home.

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Sometimes, the internet is a terrible and hostile place filled with rage and venom, but other times, it’s a cool oasis from the unpleasantness of having to work 12 hours in a bunker with an undisclosed ailment.  Such was the case today, as my imaginary computery friends kept my brain-head together during what became a frustrating and light-headed shift for me.  Among the random questions that popped up during the day (many of which are repeatable in mixed and/or polite company) was a query about the life of a pirate and what it entails, which led to today’s query leaping…

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As often happens, I have recently been reintroduced to things I love in my youth thanks to my child, specifically old-school cartoons that she keeps digging up on the Youtubes.  Widget found great enjoyment in the “Car/House/Farm Of Tomorrow” pictures of Tex Avery, as well as giggling madly at a selection of Droopy’s greatest hits.  She even enjoyed the mostly-dated 40’s post-war humor of ‘Little Johnny Jet,’ a film I remember liking as well (although it was already pretty dated in the 70s.)  She doesn’t care for my fave-rave, Woody Woodpecker, due to sub-par animation, but finds great amusement in…

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