Browsing: Major Spoilers

Every once in a while, I get all jaded and grown-up about the glorious and bizarre world in which we live, thinking that I’ve got everything figured out and that nothing can really scare me other than taxes and the big & tall store running out of khakis.  Luckily, any time that happens, I can bust out my copy of ‘Heavy Metal’ and watch ‘B-52’ alone or turn off all the lights and scream along with Katie as her jackass of a boyfriend torments the thing that lives in the attic throughout ‘Paranormal Activity.’  The Halloween season is the perfect…

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When it comes to fiction, I prefer that my characters have flaws and weaknesses, even the proverbial “feet of clay”, if only to avoid the dull late-90s infallible one-step-ahead Batman characterization.  Even though I like the fact that Chuck Taine became Bouncing Boy because of a completely avoidable bone-headed blunder, I prefer that the CREATORS have their $#!+ together, avoiding moments like Stan Lee’s embarrassing Super-Man error or the fact that Donna Troy owes her existence to one of DC’s writers not realizing that the Wonder Girl character was just a time-displaced Wonder Woman!  Still, as Gerald Ford was known…

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There are those who rail against the existence of Kryptonite, claiming that it’s a cop-out to have Superman be vulnerable to the radiation of his long-lost home planet, but when it comes to superheroic weaknesses, the Man Of Steel’s is practically poetic.  If you compare the Golden Age Green Lantern (can destroy a city with his thoughts, but powerless against a kid with a Louisville Slugger) or the madness that is Wonder Woman’s Golden Age limitation (rendered powerless whenever tied up by a man), it’s easy to see that Supes has it easy, which does beg a rather interesting query……

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Recent news about the return of Miracleman (perhaps finally completing the legendary lost tale by Gaiman and Buckingham) have me super-excited about the future of comics, but Micky Moran’s azure alter ego isn’t the only big return extant.  Fans of Angela were psyched to see her return in the pages of Marvel Comics, while the T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents have relaunched at IDW, along with Cartoon Network mainstays The Powerpuff Girls and Samurai Jack (the subject of this week’s Dueling Review!)  Truly, we live in interesting times to be a comic book fan, but even with as many licensed, revamped and reworked…

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With more and more material from next Spring’s remade/reworked Robocop film escaping into the wild, fans around the world are coming to the conclusion that those in charge of the remake didn’t necessarily get what was best about the original movie and, to a lesser degree, the sequel.  (Although, now that I think of it, the same could be said about Robocop 3.)  Officer Murphy’s journey from cop and father to implement of destruction back to a semblance of humanity was a disturbing tale, filled with violence, mutilation and entirely human monsters, and the tank-like armored form that Peter Weller…

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Munchkin is a dedicated deck card game by Steve Jackson Games, written by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic, that has a humorous take on role-playing games. This week on Munchkin Minute, booster packs and game changers!

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There are a lot of comic books out there in the world, and only so many hours in the day, even when your memory is like mine, so when it comes to our Retro Reviews, (Major Spoilers exclusive, accept no substitutes!) I am sometimes limited to the things that have stuck in my mind.  That’s where you, the Faithful Spoilerites, come in!  As my review pile is growing short, I’d like to know what bits and pieces of comic-book ephemera I may have forgotten or misplaced (bearing in mind, of course, that some books are harder to track down than…

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