Browsing: Major Spoilers

Last evening, my daughter insisted that we had to watch ‘Despicable Me 2’, regardless of whether or not Daddy had any patience left after double-shifting holidays, flagrantly ignoring the stack of recorded television already on the DVR.  Still, when it comes to the Widget, I seldom argue too hard, as her instincts are pretty spot-on about stuff we’ll both like.  Still, given the choice, I’d join the legions of whiny know-it-alls who want to know why we don’t have a sequel to ‘The Incredibles’ yet, or perhaps start my own legion of people who think we should revisit Swan and…

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Given the post-holiday scheduling (sorry for those outside of the US and/or not celebrating Thanksgivvukah), I am having issues getting back into regular gear.  Switching from nights to days has only exacerbated the issue, which left me wide awake at 1 am, knowing I had to work again at 8.  Luckily, my old friend Stevie King came through with a couple of short stories to downshift my brain into sleep gear.  Ever since I found a copy of ‘Night Shift’ in my grandmother’s library as a child, a little King always helps me decompress, which in turn begs a query……

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You know the drill, yadda yadda, holiday in the States, blahbidiblooblah hippity hooplah!  (Quoting Eminem is one of my guilty pleasures.)  Nearly 20 years ago, I had just met the woman who would become my wife and impulsively went to her family’s Thanksgiving dinner celebration, at which my future-mother-in-law asked each of us to speak about what we were most thankful for.  Being a twenty-something ironic goofball (there weren’t hipsters yet, and I wasn’t ever alternative enough to be a grunge guy) I wasn’t really sure how to respond to that question.  These days, it’s still a toughie.  Seems like…

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As a child, I was always puzzled by the Legion of Super-Heroes’ references to future sports like Moopsball, or Commander Riker’s tantalizing references to the gentleman’s sport known as Parrises Squares.  The references to strange sports seemed to deepen the world-building, giving us bits and pieces of a greater culture that wouldn’t have been the same had they referenced just plain old football (or worse, “Space-Football.”)  Though I’ve never been particularly interested in watching or playing sports myself, the basic rules and scoring strategies have always been fascinating to me, and it’s easy to understand those people who wanted to…

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As this week is a Holiday in America (indeed, for some of us, it’s two of ’em), our regularly scheduled podcasts are on a temporary holiday hiatus.  Fortunately, I keep my MS-QOTDs numbered, for just such an emergency, which means we’re ready to talk turkey, in the vernacular.  The last few weeks, I’ve been focused on television and movies, which makes me feel like I’ve been giving comic books a little bit of a short shrift.  That’s kind of a shame, as there are literally thousands of amazing stories out there to enjoy, from Action to Adventure all the way…

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Munchkin is a dedicated deck card game by Steve Jackson Games, written by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic, that has a humorous take on role-playing games. This week on Munchkin Land, sad news for those waiting for the martians to attack… ack… ack…

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There are those who mock me for my love of professional wrestling, but it should be noted that if mockery hurt my feelings, I’d probably never have survived knowing Stephen for the last 25 years or so.  Besides, the occasionally masked warriors of the world of wrasslin’ have a lot in common with the superheroes and sci-fi types that Faithful Spoilerites love.  Many of our heroes have their own catchphrases, from Han Solo’s “I’ve gotta bad feeling about this” to Spock’s “Fascinating” to Spider-Man’s “I have no idea what happened to my wife”.  Heck, The Doctor has six or ten…

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You’ve had your chance to watch Day of the Doctor (or if you haven’t, why not?), and it is time for Matthew and Stephen to go into so very spoilery territory as they discuss the 50th Anniversary special of Doctor Who, “The Day of the Doctor.”

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It’s a special episode of the Wayne’s Comics podcast, with two great interviews! First up is Dean Haspiel, one of the creative forces behind The Fox at Red Circle/Archie Comics. We talk about this successful series, including how it came to be and how unique this title is compared to other comics available today. If you aren’t reading it, now’s the time to get on board with this excellent title! I interview Dennis Culver next, and we chat about Edison Rex, a great book available through, one of my favorite producers of comics! Dennis chats with me about the…

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*BREEP* I’m sorry, due to the Fiftieth Anniversary Special of Doctor Who airing today, Matthew is unavailable to take your call.  If this is a life-threatening emergency, please contact your local emergency services department.  For business that can be completed on or after Monday, please leave a message at the tone.  For your convenience, the MS-QOTD follows this message.  Thank you, and don’t forget that you can’t rewrite history, not one single line of it, but that doesn’t mean you can’t run about with pretty girls for a thousand years of so, and make the most out of it.*BREEP* The…

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With my excitement this week about the meeting of the Doctors (only the fifth such televised meeting in as many decades, I might add) I’ve been thinking about the concept of the crossover.  These days you can’t twirl a giraffe without bumping into a story that constitutes someone’s dream team-up, from the myriad of agglomerated ‘Dark Fairy Tale’ adaptations, to the continuing tales of the League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen all the way through the upcoming Batman-reboot-disguised-as-Superman-sequel.  If two (or even more) characters have any sort of fanbase at all, one can certainly find Tumblrs dedicated to their combined adventures and/or…

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