Browsing: Major Spoilers

In this installment of Critical Hit: A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: Another month, and more emails with questions that need answers! NOTE: Level 14 character sheets are now available at and the Critical Hit Logo T-Shirts are indeed at This episode is sponsored by Shades of Vengeance’s ERA: The Consortium Sci-Fi Tabletop RPG

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As a rule, I try really hard not to be negative, especially about the things that other people love, but recently the internet has developed a fixation that drives me up the wall, expressed in one word: Doge.  I don’t know whether it’s the intentionally brain-damaged grammar, the infuriating Comic Sans font, or the oh-so-precious face on the Shiba Inu in question, but something about it triggers instant rage in the deepest parts of my lizard-brain, filling me with a hatred I have seldom felt before (at least without the presence of certain college acquaintances or my former boss in…

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There’s no Zach on Film this week, and we really feel bad about it.  And to show that we are always working on things behind the scenes, this week, Zach sat down to record a demo/pilot episode of a show that might make it into the Major Spoilers Podcast Network of shows.  Zach takes on Toys this week! Keep in mind this is a pilot episode that doesn’t have all the polish and shine that a full episode would have. It is simple done to present an idea or a concept for us to build upon in the future. Use…

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We love it when fans create cool things based on the characters and setting of Critical Hit: A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons podcast. @CrimsBacon (aka John aka That Guy What Dresses As Randus), whipped up a number of character cards to give to your loved one this Valentine’s Day.

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With the 2014 Winter Olympics in full swing, I find myself once again amazed at the feats of strength, agility and overall rubberiness exemplified by the athletes.  As a man who occasionally has trouble getting into compact cars (especially the ones with the automatic seatbelt device designed to choke you out like Kurt Angle with a grudge), I occasionally find myself thinking how nice it might be to do the flippity floppity stuff on the uneven ring bars (or words that make sense in a sports context.)  Then again, I might also like being able to leap over ring ropes…

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Munchkin is a dedicated deck card game by Steve Jackson Games, written by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic, that has a humorous take on role-playing games. This week on Munchkin Land – Zach sends everyone to the apocalypse… in the Ol’ West! Warning: Some explicit language in this episode (Thanks Rob).

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In the Golden Age of Comics, nearly anything could become a superheroic identity.  Just ask the likes of War Nurse, The Clown, 711 and The Bouncer, each of whom is about as goofy as one might imagine.  Of course, among the most common methods of heroic nomenclature is the use of animal theming, with the obvious example of The Bat-Man (as his earliest appearances would have it) leading to decades of similar themes, from Hawkman to Timber Wolf to the Black Panther and back, with side trips along the way in the lunatic realms of Wonder Warthog, the Mandrill and…

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As a devotee of superheroes in most all their varied forms, I often find myself more interested in the team books, where the likes of Tigra or Vibe work as parts of a larger whole without cynics picking apart their accents or their silly bikini costumes.  In the Japanese Super Sentai tradition, heroes usually come in teams of five (though three and six are pretty common, and the last batch got up to ten, if I’m counting correctly), allowing the heroes to fill different archetypical roles, from stoic to clown to princess and back.  A character like Polar Boy (one…

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A recent internet discussion of which I was part brought up the subject of the end of the world, and wondered why so many movies were using it as a storytelling piece.  “We never had the end of the world in our movies before!” scoffed my friend, to which I began listing movies over the past 40 years that did include (obviously or implicitly) literal Armageddon, from ‘Doctor Strangelove’ through ‘The Kentucky Fried Movie’ all the way to that early 80s pop culture touchstone, ‘Ghostbusters.’  Not only does that movie deal with the potential end of the world, but unusually…

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Now that I have my movie channels back, I find myself more and more on the horns of what, for me, is an old dilemma: When a move that I *love* comes on, it always seems to be at an inconvenient time.  Last night, after Stephen and I signed off from our weekly Dueling Review podcast, I foolishly kicked on my television just in time for a relatively rare uncensored airing of ‘The Warriors’, a movie that ranks high on the list of “Things I Watch ALL Of Whenever They’re On”.  (That list also includes ‘The Rocketeer’, ‘Gilligan’s Island’, the…

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Movies of the 2000s Top Five is a show where the hosts categorize, rank, compare, and stratify everything… from cars to gadgets to people and movies. From stuff that is hot, and things that are not nearly as interesting – it’s Top Five. We’ve looked at the best movies of the ’70s, ’80s, and ’90s, so it is time to hit our top five movies of the 2000s.

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