Browsing: Major Spoilers

Recently, I’ve been doing a bit of idle research on villainy, and the various motivations given for lives of deceit and chicanery.  They say that the best villains are the hero of their own story, but the *reasons* they do what they do are wildly varied: Magneto fights against humans to protect/avenge his mutant people, Cruella De Vil’s vanity causes her to want a beautiful Dalmatian-skin coat, The Shredder has some sort of blood feud with Hamato Yoshi (and he kind of likes to see Krang fail.)  Perhaps my favorite motivation for antisocial behavior is that of Marvin The Martian,…

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This morning, I awoke feeling like I had a head full of bees and every joint in my body was composed of a mass of broken glass too large for the socket or skin around it.  I also had an urge to lie in bed all day and read the Volume 4 “5 Years Later” Legion of Super-Heroes run, whose post-apocalyptic world-rebuilding, adult themes and intentionally primitive art style were prescient of many of today’s comics.  (It wasn’t a 100% accurate premonition of today’s New 52, though, as it still had a lot of humor and glimmer of hope amidst…

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In this installment of Critical Hit: A Major Spoilers Dungeons and Dragons Podcast: I’m not even sure the players or the party knows what happened in this week’s episode. Enjoy the adventure as the party makes their way to the Shield Spine Mountains. This episode is sponsored by Fantasy Coin HQ NOTE: You can download this week’s Critical Hit song for FREE at NOTE: Level 14 character sheets are now available at and the Critical Hit Logo T-Shirts are indeed at

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I’ve never identified myself as a Trekkie (or is the preferred term Trekker now?), but I’ve always had a soft spot for the adventures of Starfleet’s finest.  As a young’n, I would get up on Sunday mornings to catch the classic Kirk/Spock/McCoy episodes, and by the time I got to college, Star Trek: The Next Generation had shaken off its early awkwardness to become a fine science fiction program worthy of its predecessor.  (Well, maaaaybe not ‘Shades Of Grey’, but even classic Trek had its weaknesses. *coughSpock’sBraincough*)  For my money, though, it’s hard to find a more engrossing hour of…

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The latest Critical Hit recording session featured the usual antics I associate with staying up too late with my nerd friends, including a fascinating dialogue about the habitat of the puffin, the woes of purchasing themed furniture and a Rob/Rodrigo discussion of classic Pokemon.  Due either to the lateness of the hour or the inscrutable pathways of memory, I shocked myself by keeping up with and even participating in a conversation about Pokemon types, an oddly exhilarating experience. The examination of which video-cryptids were ice-type took me back to my days selling Pokemon cards to unsuspecting children in the late 1990s,…

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The next Major Spoilers Live Chat is scheduled for Saturday, March 22, 2014 at 1:30 PM CDT for our Gold Members. Rob, Rodrigo, and Stephen are going to sit down and chat it up with you about anything related to Major Spoilers or whatever is on your mind! If you aren’t a VIP Gold Member, sign up now and join in on the live stream this Sunday.

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Munchkin is a dedicated deck card game by Steve Jackson Games, written by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic, that has a humorous take on role-playing games. This week on Munchkin Minute, Cthulhu rules our dice and our minds…again!

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While discussing the traditions of Saint Patrick’s Day with the Widget, she asked me if that was the one where the leprechaun tries to make you get married to him like he tried with that girl from ‘Friends’.  After a brief discussion of which channels were now going to be blocked on the television in her bedroom, I explained that, no, it was an entirely different celebration entirely.  But, her question spurred a line of thought in my brain about whether She-Hulk or Inara Serra would be a better shotgun wedding partner, as well as the merits of Tigra over…

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