Browsing: Major Spoilers Podcast

In this issue: Muppets, muppets, muppets! Zombies, zombies, zombies! Stephen says “Holy crap!” Rodrigo says “Why is this alien illeterate?” and Matthew just hums Paul McCartney tunes under his breath. Plus: pink pleather bikinis! The buying habits of of the North American comics fan! And two crazy mofos with big guns vy for your affections, and a teenage mutant ninja secretary is in the house, and she ain’t bringing you your coffee, bucky. When single shines the triple sun, What was sundered and undone The line between them was never so real, So have some beans at every meal. The…

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In this issue: The Man of Steel on the auction block! The Commander In Chief takes over the industry! Wee Hughie oversteps his bounds! Plus: Deadshot’s in your house, shootin’ up your targets! I can has Silk Spectre? Chiana has invisible space blasters! And, Stephen Ignatius Schleicher is a rotten ol’ somepin somepin, and all sorts o’ mean nasty stuff, with 25 8 by 10 color glossy photographs with the circles and the arrows and the paragraph on the back describin’ each one! So, when the chorus comes around, everybody sing together… with feelin’… [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download Subscribe via iTunes…

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In this week’s issue, we do what we do what we do… Rodrigo doesn’t see the point in voting for a lesser evil… Steve knows what evil lurks in the heart’s of fanboys (but not much else…) Matthew is smitten times two, but will they kiss? Plus: Doctor Peter Coogan returns for an analysis of why the other geeks are all better than you (and by you, I mean Stephen) and why they do that voodoo that they do so very well. Also, we wanna hear what you wanna hear! plus: Matthew delves into poetry. [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download Subscribe via…

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In this issue, the last son of Gallifrey gets animated, British superheroes cross the Atlantic, there can be only one! My love for you is like a truck… BERZERKER! Plus: Ragnarok and roll is here to stay, the goddamn Riddler’s got to go, two ladies in tiny costume go head to head…Plus: McLovin WINS! And evil exes doesn’t always mean boyfriends, jadies and lentilmen. Remember to keep your head and arms inside the mixer at all times, put on your safety goggles and PREPARE to REPAIR… The Major Spoilers podcast is air! [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download Subscribe via iTunes RSS Feed…

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In this issue: It’s a cartoon wonderland, as we seek out braveness, boldity, heroism, and truthiness! Wolverine leads the X-Men (hopefully they don’t go into battle in a giant koala pouch!) New York Comicon! The Devil made Slick do it, at least as far as you know. And the Legion of Super-Heroes goes quietly into that good night… Again. [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download Subscribe via iTunes RSS Feed Podcast Alley Show Notes after the Jump!

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In this issue: $3.99! Too much to pay for a comic… or FAR too much to pay for a comic? The mysterious troubadour revealed! Two men will enter, one man will leave, but both men will make more money than all three of us put together. Also on tap: News you can use, reviews to he’p you choose, the pop culture blues, Deadpool’s dancing shoes, ain’t go no Tom Cruise, and the dreaded Ess- Ee-Ecks gets dragged out of the backseat of the Yaris and into the light, as we look as Super Happy Adult Fun Time Activities in comic…

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The Major Spoilers Crew breaks down the last issue of DC’s Final Crisis in a page by page commentary. Final Crisis #7 Written by Grant Morrison; Art by Doug Mahnke and Christian Alamy; Covers by J.G. Jones and Doug Mahnke The dramatic finale to the epic, seven-part saga of the DC multiverse concludes with an apocalyptic battle for the soul of humanity that must be seen to be believed! Can the heroes of 52 Earths save the multiverse? And is the only way to save it, to change it forever? And as the skies bleed, as the walls between universes…

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This week in Spoilers: Black Lanterns revealed, and people ain’t happy… Sexy, sexy, lizard girls on parade… Phil Sheldon loses an eye, but the fun and games ain’t over yet… Plus: Is a Robot Hottie a Robottie? Does sleeping with your alternate universe’s girlfriend count as cheating? And what WAS the name of the cartoon cat with the garbage can on his head? All this and more, from the elegant Spoilers ballroom, adjacent to the lovely Pump Room, high above Chicago. [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download Subscribe via iTunes RSS Feed Podcast Alley Show Notes after the Jump!

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Wax on! Wax off! Who watches the Watchmen? All of us! Hush! Hush! Thought I heard it callin’ my name, yeah… The Commander In Chief is the Commander Out of Stock! Fan Feedback! Teen Titans! Nightwing Nocturnal! Witches Without Wardrobe! And this time, it’s personal! [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download Subscribe via iTunes RSS Feed Podcast Alley Show Notes after the Jump!

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The Major Spoilers Crew breaks down the latest issue of DC’s Final Crisis in a page by page commentary. Final Crisis #6 Written by Grant Morrison; Art and covers by J.G. Jones and Carlos Pacheco and Jesus Merino As the entire world turns against them, the last of Earth’s Super Heroes must face the unstoppable power of the Gods of Apokolips for the final time. Supergirl vs. Mary Marvel! Superman vs. Darkseid! The fate of the Flash! And the incredible return of the New Gods! The End of Days has come and the ultimate war between good and evil will…

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We’ve said goodbye to 2008,and we’re ready to kick off 2009,with good news for Mark Millar fans,bad news for Wizard,the hunt gets wild,a trinity gets broken,and worlds collide,the dead walk,vampires among us, dogs and cats, living together… TOTAL CHAOS! Plus: Who will voice Hal Jordan?  Which metallic naked guy is better?  What evil lurks on the high seas? [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download Subscribe via iTunes RSS Feed Podcast Alley Show Notes after the Jump!

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Now entering the ring, at a combined weight of 745 pounds… The Best of the Year 2008! And their opponents… The reigning tag team champions of the world! Standing 7 foot 2 inches tall, from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania… The WORST of 2008! This match with be five falls with a 1 hour 30 minute time limit, and Stephen will certainly interrupt me any time I drift near a point… For the three schmucks in attendance, and the thousands listening at home… THE MAJOR SPOILERS PODCAST BRINGS YOU THE GOATS AND GODS OF 2008! [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download Subscribe via iTunes RSS Feed…

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When three teens from the future show up to screw with your head, what do you do? What do you do? Set the time cube for the year 3008, put on your safety goggles to protect against bouncing boys, and make sure that you wear your Bat-Timber Wolf repellent, because we’re piercing the timestream in the hopes that we too can make the cut. But, if nothing else, I’m sure the Legion of Substitute Heroes Auxiliary can use the services of Spoiler Lad and Meteor Attractor Boy, who can telekinetically attract meteors, but only to his head. This is an…

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In this bonus episode, the Major Spoilers Crew continue their discussion on messed up continuity, and why the industry might want to consider rebooting every 15 years. [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download Subscribe via iTunes RSS Feed Podcast Alley Contact us at Music from this episode comes from Armin Brewer (intro) and James Kennison (closing) from the Nobody’s Listening Podcast. A big thanks to both of these guys for creating kick-ass music for the show! A big Thank You goes out to everyone who downloads, subscribes, listens, and supports this show. We really appreciate you taking the time to listen to…

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