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Or – “Whosoever Holds This Envelope Shall Possess The Power Of WILLIE LUMPKIN!” So, the end of the month is always problematic for me, in terms of multitasking.  I mention this solely as an explanation of why this issue of Hercules (which came out two weeks ago) is being reviewed a couple of days after the delivery of the NEXT issue of Hercules (which came out on Wednesday.)  After their adventure in the underworld, Amadeus Cho and the scion of Olympus have gone their separate ways.  Hercules now has to take care of his own father, reverted to childhood, with only…

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The Barony is under such a sustained attack from Farson’s cadres, that even the combined might of the Gunslingers crew may not be strong enough to withstand it. Meanwhile Roland Deschain is secretly released from gaol by someone who was considered unworthy to be a gunslinger but has since shown by completing several heroic actions that she has always had the full true measure of courage.

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When you are a world renowned robot that has crossed paths with everyone from Einstein to Hawking, hanging out at a cafe with Dr. Carl Sagan talking about a creature from out of space doesn’t seem too crazy.  A fear of bugs on the other hand…

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This issue: The crew arrives in the Skeleton Towns, and take a journey down a mine shaft.  What will they discover inside?  Another exciting chapter of Critical Hit! Note: Critical Hit is not part of the Major Spoilers Podcast feed. If you want to receive each new installment as it comes out, you can access it in a variety of ways. Direct Download RSS Feed Subscribe via iTunes Take the jump to see the images related to this episode!

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This issue: The western genre is discussed in comics, movies, and television. [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download Subscribe via iTunes RSS Feed Podcast Alley Contact us at A big Thank You goes out to everyone who downloads, subscribes, listens, and supports this show. We really appreciate you taking the time to listen to our ramblings each week. Tell your friends about the podcast, get them to subscribe and, be sure to visit the Major Spoilers site and forums.

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“Believe it or not, I’m walking on air… no wait, that’s the other guy…” What would you do if discovered you had superpowers? Would you use them to fight crime? Become famous? Rule the world? Or would you prefer to keep a low profile, doing small good deeds here and there, but for the most part try to live a normal life? For meek Jefferson Reed, all he ever wanted was to get through life without being noticed. But after a freak encounter with a falling meteor (and a lot of prodding by his parents), he can’t help but be…

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Screenwriter Stan Berkowitz guides another classic DC Comics graphic novel to animated glory with the September 29 Warner Home Video release of Superman/Batman: Public Enemies. Berkowitz brought Darwyn Cooke’s landmark Justice League: The New Frontier from pages to screen in 2008, and this year he’s converted the words of Jeph Loeb into a summer popcorn-style blockbuster with the crafting of the script for Superman/Batman: Public Enemies.

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After enduring all the dreadful events that occurred to her after the release of the Rage virus, we now find Selena somewhat safely ensconced in a Norwegian refugee camp. One might think that the absolute last thing she would consider would be a return trip to the British mainland but a conversation with a with a crusading journalist convinces her to do exactly that. The other members of the expeditionary force seem to regard her as more of a hindrance than an important part of the team but she soon shows her truth worth when they all come brutally face…

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Or – “A Rarity In Comics: A Surprise!” For the last couple of years, we had been hearing rumors off and on that Marvel editorial was working on a superhero version of ‘Sex and The City.’  I figured that it would be another example of a series that would pop up, run the course of it’s in-jokes, and roll off the end of the pier never to be seen again.  When issue #1 came out, I was surprised that not only was it more than the sum of it’s influences, it was a very enjoyable experience.  Now, we get to see if…

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In this issue: Mister Schleicher goes to London towne… Mrs. Brown, you’ve got a lovely Batgirl… Now that Tom Welling is here, what does this mean for THE FUTUUUURRRRE? Also: aliens come down, an’ the give me some chiclets, and give my brother this weird green ring. Out of the night, when the full moon is bright, he’s bold bold with his face, and his something something called Zorro. A dead-eyed ghost dog came out of nowhere and made me crash into the hospital! Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and deader than a squirrel on…

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Project: Superpowers, the amazing re-vitalization of old public domain heroes, continues this week with the second issue of the second mini-series by Alex Ross and company, and I get the pleasure of checking out the preview issue that Dynamite Entertainment provided.

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After discovering that a child’s laughter is much more powerful than a scream at the end of the Disney/Pixar 2001 film, Monsters Inc. has changed dramatically under the leadership of its new CEO, James P. Sullivan (also known as Sulley). The factories slogan has changed from “We Scare Because We Care” to “Going the Extra Mile to Make Them Smile”.  “Scarers” are now “Amusers” and Sulley’s former partner, Mike Wazowski is at the top of the game.

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One of the things* I love about the current Power Girl series, is how much fun the team of Gray, Palmiotti, and Conner inject into the adventures of a heroine not quite of this world or dimension. The fourth installment of the series is no exception, as Power Girl and Terra check out a slasher flick, take on Godzilla, and have a run in with the boys from The Big Bang Theory.

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