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Or – “When Venom Is The Voice Of Reason, Something Is Very, Very Wrong…” “Wait, we’ve been bought out by WHO?”  Or would that be whom?  I can never remember.  But, man, the Dark Avengers certainly look surprised to see something, don’t they?

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At least Pa Kent stayed down The zombie menace has been turned on its ear thanks to the Psycho Pirate, yet Kal-L, Zor-El, and the walking corpse of Earth-2 Lois Lane continue to vex the Last Son of Krypton, his half-clone, Supergirl, and the rest of the Kryptonians orbiting on the other side of the Sun.

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Or – “In Which The Six Have Split, And Wonder Woman Is On The Menu…” My old friend Bruce used to have a saying…  “It’s always darkest, before it gets pitch-black.”  A founding member of the Justice League is about to be consumed by a demon, the Secret Six are at one another’s throats, and the Bana-Mighdall Amazons are free (and mightily irritable.)  Think things can’t get worse?  Possibly you’re not remembering some of the Secret Six’s previous missions…

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Poe makes a stand under the House of Usher and confronts not only Roderick Usher, but his own inner demons. Also, will his brother William survive an attack by the Golem dog after narrowly escaping the Pendulum? What of William’s wife Elaine? Will she die so Madeline Usher may live?

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In this issue: we’re down a man, but we still soldier on, just like the Five Doctors… (Does this mean Rodrigo is Tom Baker?) Could the foul-mouthed kid from the Bad News Bears really have a head that’s sufficiently gourd-like? We need you to nerd the hell out, then send us pictures… If you don’t Stephen will read some of his poetry. Plus: Is it just a coincidence that Corps is one letter from Corpse? Tim Drake wants a speckled lemonade and some bottomless steak fries! And the robot overlord decrees a change in the running order, and you MUSTOBEY…

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Toshiro Ono, the Swordsmith Assassin finishes telling his story to General Renier, of the Prussian army. Has he moved the General to relinquish his final sword, or is there more to the story yet to be told?

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Or – “An Ogron, A Sontaran And A Draconian Walk Into A Bar…” “…and the bartender says, ‘What is this, some kinda joke?'”  The downside of being an (essentially) immortal Time Lord is that you tend to gain lots and lots of enemies.  Now, the past has caught up the Tenth Doctor, and he’s been sentenced to life (lives?) in galactic prison, surrounded by the enemies of nearly a dozen lifetimes.  Forget surviving behind bars, at this rate, the Doc’ll be lucky if he makes it through the trip…

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Is this where the new Birds of Prey begins? Love it or lump it, Stephanie Brown is the new Batgirl, but she’s still got one more person to convince before the job is officially hers.

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Or – “Reconnecting With Old Friends…” Last time out, Kon-El caught up with Wonder Girl, the love of his life and founding member of Young Justice.  She told him of her grief-fueled kiss with Tim Drake, who was Robin at the time, and they forgave one another for youthful indiscretions and/or untimely death.  This discussion seems to have spurred Kon to look up his ex-best pal, but the new Red Robin (YUMMM!) is somewhat busy trying to track down a millionaire who is stuck in a cave somewhere…  Will their reunion be as cordial as the first?

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Once again, Matthew and Stephen are back to weigh in on one of the titles released this week.  As their Robot Overlord, I have proclaimed the rotund duo review Blackest Night: Batman #3.  Will they agree or will they end up fighting to the death?

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The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund has been working to insure the First Amendment rights of comic creators and retailers all over the country since 1986. This month,we see the release of their second comic book, Liberty Comics #2, and if you read careful you might just see a message in the stories that are contained herein.

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Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a guy with a jetpack and goofy helmet! No, it’s… well, yeah, OK, you got it right the third time. The Rocketeer, based on the short-lived comic created by Dave Stevens, was one of my first forays into comic books and film. I honestly can’t remember if I actually had seen it in the theater (I was 5, after all. And now I’ve made some of you feel old. Sorry about that.), but I do remember the various advertising, toys, commercials, and even a cartoon (which may have…

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In 1985, Marvel published the first issue of The Web of Spider-Man. As the third Spider-Man title at the time, it ran for 10 years before the events of the original Clone Saga caused it to be canceled and renamed The Web of the Scarlet-Spider.  Is it ironic that we have come full circle?

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