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Or – “Say Goodbye To Scrap, Slingshot, Visionary, Scatterbrain and Myriad…  FOREVER!” It’s been a while since I’ve done a full review checking in with the kids of Captain Dynamo, collectively known as Dynamo 5, the protectors of Tower City.  In the absence of their deadbeat dad, five young people have banded together to fight against their pop’s old villains, working with his widow and the government agency known as FLAG (The Foundation for Law and Government) as superheroes.  Recent months have seen the team break up, leaving super-strong Scrap alone to form her own new team.  After a brutal…

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Or – “Ray Palmer, Lightly Braised In A White Wine Sauce, With A Fried Egg On Top, And Spam…” Al Pratt:  “Um, excuse me, is this the undertaker’s?” Black Hand:  “Yup, that’s right, what can I do for you, squire?” Al Pratt:  “Um, well, I wonder if you can help me. My Atom has just died and I’m not quite sure what I should do.” Black Hand:  “Ah, well, we can ‘elp you. We deal with stiffs.” Al Pratt:  “Stiffs?” Black Hand:  “Yeah… Now there’s three things we can do with your Atom. We can bury him, burn him, or…

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With close to 90 entries in this year’s Major Spoilers Costume Contest, it was really tough narrowing it down to five finalists.  The Major Spoilers Crew poured over the entries for hours making our individual selections, and when the nominations were put in the hopper, we found our top five. Now, it’s up to you, the Legion of Major Spoilerites to cast the deciding vote.  Who will be named the winner of the 2009 Major Spoilers Annual Costume Contest?  Take the jump to see the finalists, then cast your vote!

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In this issue: Rodrigo is still MIA, Stephen is still hooked on Batman, and Matthew likes the shapely form or Spider-Woman. The A-Team returns, and ReBoot gets Rebooted, but never forget Parker, the Hunter, can’t lose. [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download Subscribe via iTunes RSS Feed Podcast Alley Show Notes after the Jump!

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The 2009 Game X Expo came to the Philadelphia area for a three day event October 23rd through the 25th. Taking place in Oaks, Pa the convention featured demos, arcades, tournaments, an artist alley, vendors, celebrities and a large variety of activities such as robot wars and light saber training.

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We had a huge response to this year’s Major Spoilers Costume Contest.  We received close to 90 entries this year, making this the largest contest we’ve had to date.  Over the next couple of days we will narrow these entries down to the Top 5, and then it will be your turn to vote for the grand prize winner! Take the jump for the complete gallery of entrants!

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Or – “In Which A Hero Must DIE…” Every few years, we see the League at a crisis moment, a flashpoint where all the popular heroes are off doing their crossovers, and the remaining members are Tasmanian Devil, General Glory and The Creeper.  With a whole new League around the corner, the few remaining members of the JLA have been dealing with a growing sense of unrest and aimlessness.  Who will stay?  Who will leave?  And didn’t they promise that Leaguer would die?

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Boom! Studios has done a great job of telling stories that sit outside the realm of the normal spandex and capes crowd.  More often than not, the company delivers a winner with new titles launched, and it appears they’ve found another winner with Hunter’s Fortune #1.

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The buildup to the Viltrumite war continues as Allen the Alien and Omni-Man scour the universe for the tools of destruction that will bring down the remainder of the Viltrumite empire.  But will the ultimate solution be the only answer?

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This issue: The party is safely aboard the airship headed to the farmlands, but even while they gear up, and have discussions on fighting strategy, something is lurking close by. Also, stay tuned after the show for game mechanic discussions that future dungeon masters might enjoy. [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download RSS Feed Subscribe via iTunes Contact us at A big Thank You goes out to everyone who downloads, subscribes, listens, and supports this show. We really appreciate you taking the time to listen to our ramblings each week. Tell your friends about the podcast, get them to subscribe and, be…

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This issue: Hosts Stephen Schleicher and Matthew Peterson discuss the early years of Doctor Who, why there are many episodes missing, and they take a trip down memory lane. The hosts mention the Doctor Who “From the Beginning” Forum during the show, here is the link. [podcast][/podcast] Direct Download Subscribe via iTunes RSS Feed Podcast Alley Contact us at A big Thank You goes out to everyone who downloads, subscribes, listens, and supports this show. We really appreciate you taking the time to listen to our ramblings each week. Tell your friends about the podcast, get them to subscribe…

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It’s following the formula Three wild space chick naked in your bathtub seems like the making of a perfect evening in Atlantic City, except A) you aren’t that lucky B) ew – Atlantic City, and C) this kind of thing only happens in DC’s Power Girl.

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Bonjour class! Today we’re taking a look at a French film filled with action, adventure, romance, magic, and a lot of Roman-bashing. The film, Astérix et Obélix contre César (or Asterix & Obelix vs. Caesar) is the first in a string of adaptations based on the classic graphic novels by René Goscinny, and is also one of the most expensive live-action films to come out of France. As an added challenge, we’re going to take a look at it in its original language, partially to broaden our outlook on foreign films, and partially because the only copy I could find…

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Welcome to the third installment of The Comic Casting Couch! A few weeks ago, I placed a poll up on the Major Spoilers forum and asked which of five different characters you would like to see me give the Comic Casting Couch treatment. After two weeks of voting, it seems that the winner has been crowned, THE WAY OF THE IRON FIST!

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