Browsing: DC

As Major Spoilers reported yesterday David (Batman Begins) Goyer is out on The Flash movie from Warner. Who is replacing him? Shawn Levy has stepped on board to direct the flick. Now let’s take a look at Levy’s track record for films. Most recently he directed Night at the Museum which made it to number one at the box office (during a time that is generally dead for major releases). Levy also directed Cheaper by the Dozen and The Pink Panther. Does this mean we’ll be seeing Steve Martin don the red tights? Levy has no intention of making “Flash”…

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This week Shazam! The Monster Society of Evil hits stands, and I can’t wait to read Jeff Smith’s take on the mighty hero. Major Spoilers has a sneak peek of Smith’s work, plus Brave and the Bold #1, and Firestorm #33.

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David Goyer has announced he is off The Flash movie. WTF DC!? Did you not pay attention to what Goyer did with Batman Begins? That’s Hollywood Gold Baby! I am sad to say that my version of The Flash is dead at WB. The God’s honest truth is that WB and myself simply couldn’t agree on what would make for a cool Flash film. I’m quite proud of the screenplay I turned in. I threw my heart into it and I genuinely think it would’ve been the basis of a ground-breaking film. But as of now, the studio is heading…

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Okay, so you don’t have any big plans for the summer. Perhaps you are just planning on chillin’ while your servants wait on you hand and foot. Or perhaps you plan on parking your butt in front of the Xbox 360 and play Gears of War until your brain falls out of your head. DC Comics has released its Wildstorm and Vertigo trade paperback titles that are shipping this summer to keep you occupied during any down time.

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DC Comics has provided Major Spoilers a breakdown of the trade paperbacks scheduled to ship this summer. If you are looking for something to keep you occupied while on flights to and from conventions, or to read while you are hiding away from the intense heat, there look to be some good titles on this list, including the second volume of DC’s 52.

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Or – “Why No Character Is Unsalvageable…” For a long time, the conventional wisdom at DC seemed to state that there were two brands of characters: the funny and the dramatic. During the bleak time that was comics in the 1990’s, it became necessary to traumatize the funny ones so they, too, could be dark and gritty. Thus did we see Booster Gold lose an arm, Blue Beetle have a series of heart attacks, and Guy Gardner become an mighty morphin’ gun-totin’ alien. With 2003’s Green Lantern: Rebirth miniseries, we’ve finally seen both characterizations amalgated into one: the salacious, rude,…

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DC Comics has announced Justice Society of America #2 is sold out and going back to press for all the fans of the new series. The issue has been going gangbusters, kicking off with the shocking announcement of WWIII and, more recently, unmasking Starman. Justice Society of America #2 will be in stores February 21 with a pencils-only variant cover by Dale Eaglesham. “The overwhelming response from the fans has only added to our own tremendous excitement at being part of this great project,” says Eaglesham. “We’re creating a new JSA movement. We’re committed to building something huge and unique,…

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DC Comics has provided Major Spoilers with a sneak peek of Wildstorm’s Danger Girl: Body Shots. Make sure you check out the awesome work done by Nick Bradshaw and Jim Charalampidis. I’ve been a fan of Bradshaw for quite some time and try to pick up stuff he is worked on just because his name is on the cover. As a special bonus, we also have a sneak peek at DC’s Action Comics Annual #10. Take the jump for more info and a five page previews of each.

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DC Comics has announced the list of freelancers scheduled to appear at the New York Comic-Con on February 23, 2007. The company also provided Major Spoilers with the list of DC related panels for attendees to check out.

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Just let him die already…Please? I’m a bit late in getting this week’s review of 52 out. I could blame the whole “time is broken” and really claim this review went up Thursday last week, but I’ll be honest and say time has just got the better of me. Sometimes the drudgery of the real world gets in the way of having fun and reading comics and we get all wound up the running around leaving us breathless. Not in a good way either; leaving me feeling a bit uncomfortable, kind of like Vic as he struggles to stay alive.

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DC Comics has made previews availabe for titles shipping January 31, 2007. Take the jump for all the goodness from Blue Beetle, JSA Classified #22, Teen Titans #43, and Trials of Shazam! #5. I’m especially interested in Teen Titans as we finally get to see what Deathstroke has been up to with Titans East!

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Man, I was not paying much attention to comics in the early 80s. Had I known Superman and Big Barda almost got it on in an adult film, I would have picked that up! This was all during the John Byrne run on Action Comics and things got really weird. As it turns out, Sleez has been making money by pimping Barda out to a porno movie producer. He’s already made at least one movie with her, and now he’s offering Superman to the producer as well. Yup. That’s what I said. Check out Living Between Wednesdays for the complete…

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Or – “Turns Out He IS Who We Thought He Was!” It’s a fact of life (especially in comics) that every experience is new for someone. No matter how many times *I* may have seen a particular plot twist, there’s always somebody who’ll find it to be the most daring and amazing story of all time. Which is why the big reveal in the latest JSA, though no surprise, really worked for me. This newest JSA incarnation debuted with a big splash, a dash of Alex Ross, and some promising new creations… Can they keep up the quality?

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DC Comics set the Interweb all a twitter last week when it released a starteling image of an upcoming event. I’ve seen the high resolution version and have posted a few close ups for your inspection, reflection, and comments. Major Spoilers Ahead! You’ve been warned!

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