DC Comics has made previews availabe for titles shipping January 31, 2007. Take the jump for all the goodness from Blue Beetle, JSA Classified #22, Teen Titans #43, and Trials of Shazam! #5. I’m especially interested in Teen Titans as we finally get to see what Deathstroke has been up to with Titans East!
Blue Beetle #11
Written by Keith Giffen and John Rogers
Art by Rafael Albuquerque
Cover by Andy Kuhn
Lost in space — again! But this time the Beetle’s got Metron of the New Gods on his side — if he can survive the hostile world where they’ve met.
32 pages – $2.99
JSA Classified #22
Written by Walter Simonson
Art and cover by Simonson
Part 3 of the epic tale that started in December’s HAWKGIRL #59! Struggling to defeat the powerful person behind the Rann-Thanagar prison break brings Hawkman and Hawkgirl back together after more than a year apart…and forces them into a situation that could turn the tide in the epic war!
32 pages – 2.99
Teen Titans #43
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Tony Daniel and Jonathan Glapion
Cover by Daniel
Part 1 of the eagerly anticipated “Titans East” story! Led by Deathstroke, a Teen Titans team consisting of Batgirl, Risk, Match, Alter Boy, Enigma, Sun Girl and Inertia is out to chew gum and kick butt…and guess what? They’re all out of gum!
32 pages – $2.99
Trials of Shazam! #5
Written by Judd Winick
Art and cover by Howard Porter
The red-hot maxiseries by Judd Winick and Howard Porter continues! Sabina, the Council of Merlin’s representative in the Middle East steps in and sabotages Freddy’s latest trial — succeeding in taking some power for the evil members who sponsor her!
32 pages – $2.99