Author: Matthew Peterson

Once upon a time, there was a young nerd from the Midwest, who loved Matter-Eater Lad and the McKenzie Brothers... If pop culture were a maze, Matthew would be the Minotaur at its center. Were it a mall, he'd be the Food Court. Were it a parking lot, he’d be the distant Cart Corral where the weird kids gather to smoke, but that’s not important right now... Matthew enjoys body surfing (so long as the bodies are fresh), writing in the third person, and dark-eyed women. Amongst his weaponry are such diverse elements as: Fear! Surprise! Ruthless efficiency! An almost fanatical devotion to pop culture! And a nice red uniform.

DC’s official announcement of their upcoming movie slate through 2020 has a more than a few tongues wagging, with official confirmation of a Wonder Woman solo movie, a new Green Lantern flick, and a projected 2018 feature film debut for The Flash.  Interestingly, this movie Scarlet Speedster has already been cast and will be separate and distinct from Grant Gustin’s CW television version of The Flash (which is remarkably enjoyable stuff, by the way.)  As someone who grew up with the distinctions of Earth-1/Earth-2, not to mention ancillary knockoff Earths like the one the Crime Syndicate ran, but I’m already…

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Among the hidden treasures of my comic book collection about which no one else cares is an issue of ‘Justice League Quarterly’ in which all the former Charlton Comics Action Hero properties (Blue Beetle, Captain Atom, Nightshade, Thunderbolt, Peacemaker and Judomaster) combine their forces to fight some 90s menace or other under the leadership of Blue Beetle.  It’s an issue that makes me sad that Ted Kord was always overshadowed in the Justice League by Superman or Batman, neither of whom has ever been a particularly effective leadership presence in my eyes.  (One’s too controlling, the other too laissez-faire.)  Of…

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Thanks to a new round of Marvel teasers, fans are a’quiver in anticipation that Captain America 3 may be a big-screen adaptation of Marvel’s big Civil War event, where Captain America and Iron Man battled for, essentially, control of the superheroes of the Marvel Universe.  It’s the kind of story that could only be improved… Actually, that sentence could end right there.  Regardless, what I was GOING to say was that seeing Civil War played out with RDJ chewing up the scenery as the “futurist who knows what must be done” Tony Stark, with Chris Evans against him could be…

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There’s another raccoon wandering the galaxy, and Rocket isn’t happy about it at all, Your Major Spoilers review of Rocket Raccoon #4 awaits!

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In the old days of Valiant Version 2.0, there was a series like no other, the story of two outcasts and their struggle to coexist with each other and their super-powers.  Now, the original creators return to the title for a little old-school Q&W, but does it still hold up?  Your Major Spoilers review of Q2: The Return Of Quantum and Woody #1 awaits!

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During the 1990s, the writers of the Legion of Super-Heroes, Tom & Mary Bierbaum, were also the writers of the DC Roleplaying Game supplement on the Legion of Super-Heroes, which was notable for two things: It told you everything you really needed to know about the series that never actually appeared in the comics, and it gave every single Legionnaire blue eyes.  (They weren’t all the SAME blue, though.  Some were “piercing”, while others were “bright” and at least one had “electric” blue eyes.)  Ever since then, I’ve been a little bit leery of the idea that, somehow, eye color…

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As a fan of the gentleman’s art of wrasslin’, I’ve always had a little bit of love for Peter Parker’s brief career in the squared circle.  But, after years of battling evil, Spider-Man is about to discover the whereabouts of his very first opponent.  Ever wondered whatever happened to Crusher Hogan?  Your Major Spoilers (retro) review of Amazing Spider-Man #271 awaits!

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It’s a story thirty years in the making for a series only 20 years old.  How does that work?  Welcome to the world of Kurt Busiek’s mind…  Your Major Spoilers review of Astro City #16 awaits!

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Major Spoilers EIC Stephen Schleicher lives by two maxims, the second of which is “Everything is better with Batman.”  (The first is a well-guarded secret, but probably akin to “Sleep is for the weak.”)  In the years since the Dark Knight burst onto the scene, there have been a great many attempts to (you should excuse the expression) do justice to his story in live-action.  The latest, Fox Network’s ‘Gotham’, has the added twist of being a Batman story with no Batman in it, a zen koan in one-hour drama form, while former Batmen George Clooney and Michael Keaton has…

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Jon and Suzie’s whirlwind romance has had some pretty high stakes thus far, but can any young relationship survive the kind of madness they’ve been through?  (Lloyd and Diane, maybe?)  Your Major Spoilers review of Sex Criminals #8 awaits!

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The world is a much different place than it was in 1977. Today’s audiences often have higher expectations of sophistication than we did during the Carter Administration and literally hundreds of times more options in what to watch. This means that the upcoming addition(s) to the Star Wars universe have a much tougher row to hoe in terms of finding their niche. Undoubtedly, these movies will be hugely successful financially, but with the built-in derision of the internet aimed and ready for JJ Abrams and company, I wonder how they’ll be received. I figure, if we get some of our…

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As we noted yesterday during the MS-QOTD, there has been much lamentation on the ineternet about the loss of the proverbial Saturday Morning Cartoons, with many commenting on what a shame it is that kids won’t be able to get up and eat sugary cereals in front of the TV like they did when they were young.  ‘Course, the cereals aren’t quite as sugary as they used to be and the programming on Saturday morning has long been a dumping ground for FCC-mandated “educational” programs for the better part of the last fifteen years.  While I understand the thought process…

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