Author: Matthew Peterson

Once upon a time, there was a young nerd from the Midwest, who loved Matter-Eater Lad and the McKenzie Brothers... If pop culture were a maze, Matthew would be the Minotaur at its center. Were it a mall, he'd be the Food Court. Were it a parking lot, he’d be the distant Cart Corral where the weird kids gather to smoke, but that’s not important right now... Matthew enjoys body surfing (so long as the bodies are fresh), writing in the third person, and dark-eyed women. Amongst his weaponry are such diverse elements as: Fear! Surprise! Ruthless efficiency! An almost fanatical devotion to pop culture! And a nice red uniform.

I admit it: If I had the time and the cash, I would cosplay as The Sixth Doctor and go all Colin Baker, in-character, all over anyone who dared to irritate me.  Unfortunately, the ten different bits of wool for that legendary Technicolor frock coat aren’t cheap or easy to assemble in a regular size, much less a 64-long.  The same goes for a decent Dragonshield and helmet to play DragonRanger/Green Ranger or the armor and prosthetic horns to play (*sniff*) Critical Hit’s Torq.  Still, it’s a matter of money and time for me, rather than one of ego, as…

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Didja hear the one about Sherlock Holmes as Doctor Strange?  I imagine so, as dozens of websites leapt on the news that Englebert Slaptyback Benedict Cumberbatch had absolutely, definitely, for sure been cast in the role of Marvel’s Sorcerer Supreme.  Of course, this came without any announcement from either the actor or Marvel Studios, and as of this writing it is still unconfirmed.  To be honest, I’m not familiar with his work in anything other that “Star Trek Into Darkness”, but I wouldn’t mind seeing Zenglebert Wengledack tackle the role, if only to see if yet another Marvel stalwart is…

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Major Spoilers head honcho Stephen has more than a couple of theories about pop culture, but one of the most insightful is his theory of “formative years”, that the years between 14 and 18 are the time when our favorite bits of pop culture are locked down, and the strongest connections to fictional worlds are created.  Interestingly, I also find that years to which I have strong emotional ties (such as 2004, the year Widget was born) also have similarly strong ties, for what I believe to be similar reasons, which leads us to today’s entirely subjective query… The MS-QOTD…

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In her years as a comic-book character, Princess Diana has had a number of origin stories, but we have yet to see how she came to be in the New 52…  until now!  Your Major Spoilers review of Secret Origins #6 awaits!

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Comic readers of a certain age will all remember the advertisements of the Bronze Age, a time when comics were filled with Super Gifts & Gimmicks, Stamps of Many Lands and the chance to earn valuable prizes with Grit!  Today, many comics contain only house ads for other comics (which might be seen as a metaphor for the state of comics themselves), but back in the day, major companies would shell out major bucks to huck their products in the pages of the comic books we loved, including the much-lamented Continental Baking Company…

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I was not quite eight years old when Lynda Carter’s Wonder Woman hit the airwaves, but I can tell you this: She will always be Wonder Woman to me.  Even with a satin uniform and a mid-range 70s crime-drama budget, the Wonder Woman television show was an important step in getting us to the world of today, where every other movie features a comic-book hero, and The Flash is going to be in two separate media played by two separate actors.  A quick glance at the more artsy parts of the Internet will glean you hundreds of images of the…

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Formed from the clay of Paradise Island, given shape by Hippolyta and life by the Olympians, Wonder Woman has long been a puzzle, wrapped in an enigma, deep-fried in batter til golden brown.  Her current origins have her as the biological daughter of Zeus himself (though that may have changed in the last half-hour), a demigod like Hercules or Cúchulainn or Eliza Dushku.  Given either of these origins, I’ve always thought that Wonder Woman is thus posses of greater raw power than “scientifically” based heroes such as Lobo or Mon-El, whose strength is a purely-physical property of their alien biologies. …

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One of the most puzzling bits of Wonder Woman’s history was the reasoning behind a woman from a thousands-of-years-old hidden race of magical women wearing a costume based on a barely 200-year-old nation’s flag.  Indeed, some past versions or Princess Diana’s story have her wearing that costume as her day-to-day attire on Paradise Island before becoming the ambassador to Man’s World, which raises questions both of origin and of hygiene.  It wasn’t until the George Perez-written 1987 reboot that anyone even took the time to ADDRESS this weird development, which makes it even funnier that immediately afterwards, her costume began…

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In her very first appearance, Wonder Woman met and became enamored of Air Force pilot Steve Trevor, a relationship that continued off and on for decades, and spanned at least five resurrections between the two of them.  Though Trevor is around in the New 52, Wonder Woman’s dance card has lately been filled by fellow hero Superman, a pairing that many fans have been clamoring for.  Though in some ways it makes sense that they’d have an attraction (especially since they wear the same colors, have the same blue hair, and work side-by-side, day after day), the idea of a…

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There is a truism in the world of Hero Histories: The shorter the tenure, the simpler to put together.  When considering the history of a character dating back to the dawn of superheroic history, it is a very daunting matter to recount the entirety of their history, as even a fictional universe will have been through a lot of changes in 80 years.  Today’s entrant has had at least four notable iterations in her time, but today we focus specifically on the second of her major historical eras.  Some might call it the Silver Age version; an inaccurate designation, as…

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Wonder Woman Week continues at Major Spoilers!  There have been a lot of different takes on the greatest of the Amazons over the years, but since the mid-1990s, it has become de rigueur that she will often go into battle carrying a sword.  It makes sense in context, especially with modern interpretations that Wonder Woman has a slight more medieval attitude towards matters of war, crime and punishment (as Maxwell Lord can tell you from experience.)  The New 52 Wonder Woman is seemingly proficient with all melee weapons, handling axes, swords and bludgeons (and, on at least one occasion, pistols)…

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This week is Wonder Woman Week at Major Spoilers!  Since the Amazing Amazon debuted back in the winter of ’41, she’s faced a literal army of enemies, from monsters to aliens to giant robot versions of herself.  The old Superfriends cartoon paired her against Giganta, whose comic-book origin was originally that she was a shaved gorilla who had to power to grow at will… It was the 40s.  Things were different then.  As one of the only heroes to be continually published after the superhero market crashed at the dawn of the fifties, Wonder Woman has probably had more adventures…

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